View Full Version : Anyone else do this?

08-06-10, 05:55
So I was worried about this lump on my upper thigh so i went to the dr. The dr told me it was a tendon. Now that it has been diagnosed as nothing i feel funny. I mean I have nothing to complain about and I know Im totally healthy! So why do I keep looking for stuff to worry about lol? Do any of you do this too? Or do any of you second guess the dr? Thanks :D

08-06-10, 07:30
Hi Mamajane,
Plenty of people get health anxiety and even with general anxiety you worry about your health in various ways, things that are symptoms of your anxiety or side effects of any meds you may be taking tend to get you worried and you dwell on them like they're major afflictions.

It's a natural thing to try and second guess the doc since the anxiety you feel makes you seek constant reassurance, which is why so many people end up looking things up on the internet and getting even more stressed by what they find on good old Dr Google :D

Over the weekend, a friend of mine here was extremely worried about a mouth abscess, the doc prescribed some antibiotics to clear it up but she was worried they wouldn't do the trick and felt very anxious about it. She went to a bbq on Saturday, had a nice time and forgot about her abscess. By the time she thought about it again she realised it felt a bit better and is now going away, she realised that there wasn't much to worry about as the antib's are working so it will be gone very soon.

Check out the health anxiety forum and see how many people are worried about things going on with them and you'll see it's all part of the anxiety.

Natalie x
08-06-10, 09:20
Hi Mamajane. I do this all the time! I don't know why this happens - I guess it is all just linked to our anxiety. No matter how much we are re-asssured, the negative thougths and the 'what-if's' still seem to creep back into our heads! You're not alone x