View Full Version : fast pulse when standing

08-06-10, 12:43
Sometimes, though especially in the morning, if I am standing up by the sink or something, like getting some water, I can feel my pulse start rising. I do sometimes have postural hypotension, so I do sit on the edge of the bed for awhile watching tv before I get up. It happened again this morning, though I could tell my pulse was a little faster when I first got up this morning and I was doing a few things. When I went to get a drink of water, it just started pounding. Don't know if this is postural hypotension or if I shot some adrenaline because I was getting scared. I sat down for awhile and it slowed down. I know this happened standing in line at the grocery store too, but I think that is mostly panic attack. Now I have to get ready to go to work and I'm afraid that it will happen again or happen at work.

11-06-10, 13:06
Hi Jo,

I get this too. I find my heart overreacts a great deal when I have been anxious, so getting up can make it pound exaggeratedly as soon as I move. For me it is often after a period of rest, such as in bed or laying on the sofa. When i get up it becomes overly dramatic and pounds away, which often I become fearful of, making it pound all the more. I'm assuming you're a nurse (from your name!), so you will know that quick beating won't harm your cardiac muscle. You're in a great position to seek advice from any of your cardiac-specialised colleagues if you need to do to ease your mind, but part of anxiety is learning to accept the cardiac symptoms for what they are: your nervous system over-reacting to normal cardiac activity, such as happens when you get up from rest. My advice is if you're concerned about your heart have someone check it over for you, but I would bet it's nothing more than your anxious nervous system over reacting just like mine does.

11-06-10, 20:47
I've had several EKG's done - during panic my pulse has been up to 160. All normal - sinus tachycardia. So, guess I just have to get used to it and know my heart is healthy.

Fly away Katie
11-06-10, 21:28
My heart does this too. Sometimes I can almost feel it beating up my throat :( strange and very scary. Try not to concentrate on it and calmly breathe. It should soon slow down.

Best Wishes. Katie x

11-06-10, 23:03
What actually is 'sinus tachycardia'? Why is is called 'sinus'. And what do we do about it.
I'm not in any way making fun, please know that. But I somehow picture pinching my nose to stop the racing. Would be better than on the benzo. I am to help.

12-06-10, 00:09
Sinus tachycardia is a heart rhythm with elevated rate of impulses originating from the sinoatrial node (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinoatrial_node), defined as a rate greater than 100 beats/min in an average adult. Basically what the docs were telling me is that my EKG was normal, but the rate was too fast. (tachycardia) - basically from a panic attack and all the adrenaline.
They told me I could exercise (which I have been afraid to because I think I'll get the tachycardia again) and just deep some deep breaths, keep calm, and do not take my pulse.