View Full Version : Hey Guys :)

08-06-10, 14:06
Hi guys

Been suffering with anxiety for about 5 weeks now. At first it was about panic attacks, but I have gotten over that. Then it was health problems, thought I had cancer, was going blind etc, but I am not longer worried by that¬
But now Had a really really bad time with my irrational thoughts the past few days. Been constantly crying, had no sleep and totally drained. These seem to be far worse than anything else I have worried about!

I had this thought that I would start getting anxious and start thinking horrible things about my parents and naturally I did. Now I keep getting anxious about thinking horrible things when I see people and they are of a sexual nature which is terrifying.

I totally understand that I am having these thoughts because I am anxious. But It is fairly constant all day every day. It is all down to my anxious imagination! I understand that, but I am so scared they will never leave, even after I not longer have anxiety!

CAn someone please reassure me that I wont think like this when the anxiety has gone? That is what I am truely scared of!

Thank you!

Vanilla Sky
08-06-10, 14:24
Hi Laura , you are not alone in this . Welcome to NMP , hope you find it supportive :welcome: Paige x

08-06-10, 14:38
Thanks! It is reassuring to know you are not alone with this!
The thoughts are just horrible! But I am getting on with them, trying not to pay them attention! And I have been told so many times I will be fine and they will go when I am not longer scared of them or anxious - I just need to believe it now !!!

08-06-10, 15:30
Hi Laura12345,

Welcome to nmp. There are some good threads about intrusive thoughts in the ocd forum which might help. Sometimes these kind of thoughts are linked to depression / anxiety as well.

It sounds like you are going in the right direction to get through this. It will finish when you win the internal argument that they are only thoughts caused by anxiety issues. Try telling yourself that you do believe that they will end with your anxieties. These suggestions might help break the obsessiveness of the thoughts. www.beyondaffairs.com/articles/obsessive_thoughts.htm (http://www.beyondaffairs.com/articles/obsessive_thoughts.htm)

Take care

09-06-10, 11:23
Welcome to NMP Laura :) I hope everything settles down for you, I too find it hard to control my thoughts.

Andrew has game some good advice and I would second what he has said
