View Full Version : back to the old routine but feel low

08-06-10, 17:22

Well i have been away to bournemouth, had a lovely time, bit anxious the first couple of days, but can honestly say i enjoyed it, did me the world of good, came back had an ok weekend as my confidence in myself has grown, and found i can enjoy things. Back at work today, it was fine, no panics, no tears, so why do i feel so tearful now i am back at home? i Could just burst into tears now, sorry for any men reading this, but its time of the month aswell, could this affect my mood? Just feel so sad that it all came back, as i have said before i have been well for 5 years, then had a panic attack out of the blue about 6 weeks ago due to work stress. Whats wrong with me? i have two gorgeous children, fairly happily married, everyone is ok, not rich, not poor, am i just wallowing in it? nothing is wrong with life at the moment so why do i feel so low. I know people are going through much worse at the moment, which makes me feel i should just count myself lucky.. just after some reasurrance this will pass again !!!
thanks for reading Lynne

08-06-10, 19:38
Hi Lynne,
I hope you bought us all a stick of rock.
After what you have experienced you might just need some more time to get a spring back in your step. This stuff is extremely draining.
I reckon there will have been a fair old pile of washing and ironing backed up after a week away too. Thats enough to bring anyone down.

I looked after my teenage niece & nephew last week. I only had them for four days to give big sis a break. Im still not over it yet.

Everyone is allowed to be low sometimes regardless of circumstances.
Its now trying to put the pieces together to find you way out of it.
Im glad you had a good time. Im off to gym night.

08-06-10, 20:34
Hi simon

Nice to hear from you, arent you a good brother!! teenagers aswell lol! yes had a really nice time in bournemouth, so relaxing, the kids really enjoyed it. We have even booked to go back again in august for two weeks, cant wait. Washing and ironing, whats that ? the suitcases havent even been emptied yet .. leaving to the husband ha ha.
didnt go to the gym last week obviously, but counsellor has said i must go every week, so on monday, hubby took the kids in the pool and i went for a workout on my own, really enjoyed it, it does make you feel better doesnt it?
I know what u mean, i just need to give myself time, just keep every now and again getting these stupids thoughs, but they are tapering off, when i am occupied. My mum turned up just after i left the post, said i felt really tearful, then after 5 mins of chatting about something else felt ok, plus getting the kids ready for jijitsu (spell) took my mind off myself ! I think i have just really lost confindence in myself and it will take time to build it back up.
Hope you have a good work out.
take care lynne x

09-06-10, 04:07
What comes to mind is Christmas once it arrives followed by the January blues when the old routine and every day stresses return.

Perhaps on holiday you felt "free" but now you feel you're back in your stressful cage. As you say, try not to dwell on bad thoughts and instead focus on your plan to free yourself of some of your stresses bringing you down and bring in enjoyable things to look forward to such as....
i went for a workout on my own, really enjoyed it,
after 5 mins of chatting about something else felt ok,
plus getting the kids ready for jijitsu (spell) took my mind off myself

You'll get there...just be patient and keep working towards your goals by using what works and making changes to ease our stresses where possible.:hugs:

09-06-10, 20:00
HI Bill

Thank you once again for your great advice! i know you are right and i have to learn to be patient, your posts really calm me down, cant thank you enough.

thanks lynne

10-06-10, 02:35
You're most welcome Lynne:) If I think I can offer anything to support you then I'll certainly post a reply for you. It's a pleasure, especially if it helps you!:hugs: