View Full Version : Please help I am really scared

08-06-10, 18:29
Yesterday I woke up with quite a bad bloodshort eye, this happened about a month ago too in the same eye. I decided to go the my GP today and he said it is a burst blood vessel. He checked my blood pressure and that was fine but he said he would run some blood tests and this has completely freaked me out. My Doctor did try to reassure me and said that this was routine and in his opinion I would be suffering from many other symptoms if it were anything more serious.
Has anyone had or know someone that has had something similar that has happened on more the one ocassion?
Thank you for reading my post and I would be so grateful for some feedback.

08-06-10, 18:39
Hi Mary,

This has happened to me twice in the last couple of weeks, once in each eye, and I've also had it in my left eye before and have been assured it is nothing to worry about, although my GP did nag me about smoking. See the second part of RLR's reply to my earlier thread below. Try not to be alarmed, I know it's scary looking. x


08-06-10, 20:03
Thank you for your reply Jane, it is very much appreciated and a comfort to me.
Take care.