View Full Version : Is Citalopram better for anxiety or depression?

08-06-10, 20:18
I see alot of posts relating to anxiety and panic attacks that are helped by taking citalopram. Is it also effective for depression? Does anyone have any success stories with taking this medication for depression?

08-06-10, 20:43
Hi sas,
It's an anti-depressant that is very effective for anxiety too, I've been taking it for a few weeks and it's helping with both my anxiety and depression, but there again, compared to anxiety, depression is fairly easy to handle. Depression can often accompany anxiety since being anxious can trigger depressive moods.

Read the Citalopram Survival Guide stickied at the top of the Cit forum to get an idea of what kind of side effects you may, but aren't guaranteed, to get. The first week or so can be difficult but as long as you realise that what you go through is just the meds trying to find a way to help you, then you can get through.

It's a good med in my experience, after my first week of taking it I levelled out quite nicely, still got a little way to go but feeling much better for taking it.

10-06-10, 20:52
I'm taking it primarily for depression, but I also have some anxiety. The thing about depression and anxiety is that nobody has really got to the bottom of these conditions, but the general consensus is that they are linked in some way and probably involve the same parts of the brain. Similarly nobody knows precisely how drugs like citalopram reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression, only that they do in some people, so they are often prescribed for both.

10-06-10, 21:11
Hi there. I have been on this for 6 months. It has helped me heaps. I am less anxious and I can't remember the last panic attack I had. This is great but alas it isnt so great for my depression. Sometimes I feel good but I often have bouts of crying and sleeping a lot. Luckily the bouts are short lived, and I would rather have that than be ill all the time with my Anxiety and OCD.

Kez xx