View Full Version : chest pain again sorry

09-02-06, 18:43
i as you all no have had chest pain for many years, but fot the last 2 days the pain is in my back where i would say my lungs are. in my chest the pain moves, it is sharp and from one side then the other. it is really sore to touch but it feels like a new pain. im really worried which i no isnt helping and im annoyed that i am not coping but it really feels new.

does anyone else recognise thispain that seems to go from the back to the chest and have a feeling that a constant cough is coming. time of the month too could that be it as the pain seems to go right into my armpit

sorry to sound so needy about my heart but i really feel like im dying


09-02-06, 22:00
Is it acid indigestion atall? or does it feel more muscular?


10-02-06, 20:42
thanks you two, i didnt no pain in back could be acid? but bit really sounds familiar when you both explain it. hope it is, not ready to go, alot more to do


25-02-06, 05:29
What I've described as diaphragm spasm I feel in the front, under the sternum and in my back as well. Yours sounds a little different in that it moves around a bit. But could be a similar occurence, since the diaphragm is attached in the back as well as the front. I'm sure mine is anxiety in other words, mental. Let me know how you progress and I'll do the same.


25-02-06, 05:30
What I've described as diaphragm spasm I feel in the front, under the sternum and in my back as well. Yours sounds a little different in that it moves around a bit. But could be a similar occurence, since the diaphragm is attached in the back as well as the front. I'm sure mine is anxiety in other words, mental. Let me know how you progress and I'll do the same.


25-02-06, 09:02
oh yes Jackie that sounds very familiar and I'm sure it is anxiety.

It's funny, I forget how many different symptoms I've experienced over the years until someone mentions them. At the time each one seems so frightening and yet they are all so common and pass eventually.

I hope it is feeling better very soon xxx

Fee xxxxxx