View Full Version : i'm petrified please help

09-06-10, 08:46
Hi i am really panicking I have depression and bad health anxiety am so scared that i will die of heart attack. I have seen specialist and he said all my symptoms are anxiety. My doc put me on mirtazapine anti depressents but they don't seem to help. I just want to sit and cry and cry no one understands. The thing is i have had alot happen in my life and i am having a tough time at present. I am in so much pain in my neck across my chest, and i get etopics. I recently got an anxiety book which i thought would help but it really scared me as it said alot of stress can cause heart disease and heart attacks. I'm trying to relax but can't as now i'm worrying that all the health anxiety that i have had for years will result in me having a heart attack. I'm in such a state i feel so alone, i have family and a couple of friends but i just cant tell them how bad i feel.My husband just don't understand. When my children go of to school i just sit and cry i feel like i'm in a prison please help i hate being like this. I have never self harmed but i'm even getting thoughts of that as i feel that will relaese some pain what i am feeling inside.

09-06-10, 11:24
Hey honey relax relax relax!! You are totally fine, this is 100% what health anxiety does . You are the same as every one of us on this forum, absolutely.

Anxiety does its VERY best to make you afraid....so afraid that you cannot stand it!! Its goal is to make you the most afraid that you think you could every be. It pushes you to the extreme. But you have to fight back. You have to seperate yourself from it. Anxiety is stupid it doesnt have the intelegence you have, its like a spoilt child it just knows what it wants, you have to tell it NO!

Put your logical mind into gear here hun. You can do it.

Start by gaining back control , every little bit counts.

I do it by limiting the actuall time i spend thinking about my health worries. Its real hard to begin with becuase anxiety has 101 reasons to argue with me about why I should drop everything just to worry. It means really that you have to carry on regardless and actually ignore the emotions that anxiety is giving you while you go about your daily bussiness. It will get easier everyday....its like building up muscles kind of at the gym.

I hope that has helped you a little. Please pm me anytime if you want to talk about it
