View Full Version : Citalopram 3 weeks in (p.s hi everyone im new!)

09-06-10, 12:46
Hi everyone this is a great website i have read some stuff that is really helping me realise i am not alone in my battle with Anxiety & Depression.

My question is about Citalopram, there are quite a few posts on here about it but i havnt seen anything exactly like what im experiencing & all side effects seem to be in the first couple of weeks so i would just like to ask a few things......(im sorry if i end up waffling on a bit!)

Right, I have been on 20mg for nearly 3 weeks now after having a massive panic attack on the 16th May. Thankfully i hadnt felt any bad side effects. i stopped drinking caffeine as soon as i had the panic attack & have been feeling constantly tired, yawning all the time but wasnt sure if this was the tablets or lack of coffee! then yesterday from the minute i woke up, i just did not feel comfortable in my own head (if that makes sense) no bad suicidal thoughts or anything just a nasty unwell feeling & "dont know whats going on" kind of mood. Last night in bed i felt paranoid & worried about dying again (i get IBS & bad wind & when it flares up it brings on my anxiety due to the pains & discomfort i get in my chest) i really struggled to get to sleep & felt as if i was going to just lose it at any moment, then this morning i woke up feeling exactly the same, now im sitting at work feeling uneasy, as if im waiting for something bad to happen to me. i have a slight headache since yesterday too that wont shift & lastly (this is a question for women! lol) i have noticed i am losing a lot of discharge downstairs (im sorry i know this is a bit graphic) just like clear water really but constant :huh: ....someone please tell me im being silly & this is just a phase of taking Citalopram & im not going out of my mind!

Thanks for your time :D

09-06-10, 12:48
Hi Gemmee

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-06-10, 12:57
Hi Gemmee,
Welcome to NMP and well done for finding us, it's a great site with plenty of people going through similar things to you. You might wish to visit the Citalopram section of the forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=49) and read the Survival Guide that's stickied at the top of it, which has helped lots of people, myself included.

Not feeling comfortable in your own head sounds like depersonalistaion/deserialistion that some people experience, it could be a little kick from the medication that was triggered by you cutting caffeine out so quickly, it's not a good idea to just stop it cold turkey. As for the more physical problems I suggest having a further look through the forums to see if you can find anything about those.

Have a read through the posts there and you'll see you aren't the only one going through this, we all have varied side effects and experiences, but there will be someone who can offer good advice on how you're feeling.

I had a panic attack during the first week of taking the Cit and it shook me up pretty bad for a day or so, it's understandable that you may be feeling pretty phased after that, but hop over and check out the Cit forum and survival guide post, that should put things into perspective a bit.

Hope things get better soon. Better days Gemmee :)

09-06-10, 12:59
See you found the Citalopram forum as I posted that last message :D

09-06-10, 13:03
yes, thank you Raindog! :D i had found a few posts but didnt realise there was an actual Citalopram forum! i should look more carefully before posting shouldnt i :blush:
thank you for your advice though i appreciate it


09-06-10, 13:28
Hello Gemmee,

Firstly welcome! I hope you find friends and those who can support you along your journey.

Secondly I am on day 9 of taking citalopram and can relate to some of your side effects.... I have had the discharge for quite a while now and wonder if my other tablet that I was on before going onto citalopram made this an issue. Now I am on citalopram it seems it is still an issue. And like yourself it seems constant.
I also suffer from the headaches and the feeling that something is just off....I walked to the doctors today and felt very odd and I felt as though I was really tall and far away from the ground. Odd?!!!
Take care xxxx

09-06-10, 13:45
OMG Hallam11 i had a very similar thing happen to me yesterday (in Tesco of all places!) it was only for a couple of seconds but i went a bit giddy & it felt i was suddenly looking down on everything yet my legs felt really heavy & grounded.....wow its amazing how hearing that just 1 person has had or is having similar experiences to you makes you feel slightly more secure....i have had a few of those little flashes the last 2 days,i feel uneasy that i have seen something out the corner of my eye or feel someone near me but when i see theres nothing there the weird feeling passes, do you have that?.....anyway sorry i dont mean to bang on about myself, thank you for your reply & i hope the next few days/weeks are good for you :)
