View Full Version : Panic Attacks? And unhelpful doctors...

09-06-10, 13:27
Hi there,

My name's Emma, I'm 22 and I'm from Scotland. I've just discovered this site and read quite a few posts, but I just wanted a bit of advice...

About 3 weeks ago I had my first "panic attack". I was in the middle of my university exams and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was breathing really fast, like as soon as I'd exhaled I was inhaling straight away really quickly and there was nothing I could do to slow it down. I started freaking out, and then I got all shaky and felt like, charged with adrenaline. My fiancee had to sit with me for about 10 minutes and try and calm me down. Anyway, ever since then I was terrified it was going to happened again, but it didn't, so I began to relax a bit, then about a week ago, I once again woke in the middle of the night with the exact same symptoms. I tried to tell myself I'd be okay, but running through my mind were all these thoughts like "I'm going to stop breathing" etc. Then it happened again last night. So it's happened three times in total and each time it's been in the middle of the night. It's really freaking me out, I'm not even definetely sure if it's panic attacks or not because at the moment I'm not panicking about anything! Apart from having another one of these!

Also, I made an emergency appointment for this morning at my doctor and I was literally in and out in about a minute. I explained my symptoms and he didn't examine me or anything, he said "yes you're probably just panicking, just try and stop and you'll be fine, now off you pop!" Those were pretty much his exact words! I was hoping I'd maybe be given medication or something to stop it, if that's even possible, but no.

So where do I go from here??

Thanks to anyone who's lasted this long reading, didn't mean for it to turn out like such an essay lol.


09-06-10, 13:49
Hi Emma, In my opinion your symptoms are classic of a panic attack. The hyperventilation and worry are all physical reactions to stress and its how the body copes. With your exams this may be the reason. The panic attack can strike at any time or any place. It often seems that we are not worrying or stressed about anything therfore when a panic attack strikes we dont know whats happening. Some GP's are useless and some fantastic. In fairness i have only seen two, one my family doctor (from when i was a child) and the other GP who i was registered wih at university. My family doctor was really good. He did examine me and did blood tests which were all fine, personally i felt he did that for my reassurance. The clinical outcome was a Panic attack. His advice was to exercise regularly and to make sure i get sleep. At the time it seemed he was fobbing me off but exercise and sleep are two key factors in dealing with stress. We dont know when panic will arise but the brain needs to be trained to know when it is coming. I think i have been quite good at dealing with my panic. When i feel it, i allow it to come whilst occupying my mind by doing other things. I am aware i am not dying so i need to remember this when i find it difficult to breath or my heart rate is in the roof. Sorry if this doesnt help. I think im better at talking then typin how i cope but to me it sounds like a panic attack. If you need more reassurance try and see another GP because the GP you saw seemed to brush you off.

Vanilla Sky
09-06-10, 13:58
Go back and see him and tell him your not getting any better and its affecting your life and that you need help with it .
You will find it helpful and supportive here, come into the chatroom after your 5 days and see us all , you will be able to talk to us experts on panic etc !
Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

09-06-10, 13:59
Hey, no that's really good, thanks for replying! I thought that's probably what it was, and I could understand having the first one, because I know I was stressed with exams, I just couldn't, and still can't really, understand why I've had the other two. I think I'm possibly worrying so much about it happening again that I'm bringing it on? I don't know.

Do you feel the whole shortness of breath thing too? That was the scariest part for me. How do you control it? Some people have said to me to blow into a bag? I'm kinda now living in fear of it happening again and am now worrying about going to sleep, although I know I need sleep to help me, bit of a vicious circle I suppose.

Thanks again for replying.

09-06-10, 14:02
Thanks very much Paige :) I definetely will pop into the chatroom! I am worrying quite a bit at the moment as I go on holiday next Thursday and I'm terrified I'm going to have panic attacks while on holiday. I think this is what's worrying me the most at the moment. Like, if something happened to me here, well, I'm at home, but if something happened to me in another country :S Plus it was a lot of money and I don't want to spoil my one week away!

I've had a lot of different health problems throughout my life, but these panic attacks were actually the scariest! It's the feeling like you can't breathe or that you can't control you're breathing that's the scariest for me.

Anyway thanks so much for replying, it's always good to know you're not alone :)

09-06-10, 14:41
The shortness of breath is very common and yes i have experienced it! blowing into a paper bag works very effectively. The shortness of breath is brought on and we shallow breathe which can cause an imbalance between the oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio therefore can cause tingles and light headness! I know its difficult but try not to think about it. You will not die from having a panic attack even though it feels as though you will. If one comes, it will come. Their isnt much you can do about it when it arrives you just need to remember what it is and that it will do no harm. try your best not to focus on it when it does

09-06-10, 15:44
Hi Emma.

some tips that I follow are;

read all the info off this site on the left hand side menu, it will help you understand whats happening to you and why!

Secondly, try and download a relaxation CD off itunes, these can help you to wind down after exams etc..

You could also try rescue remedy, it can help, well it helps me anyway!

Then lots of sleep, healthy diet (no caffeine) and exercise can all really help you.

oh I also think that you should try and see another doctor, you shouldnt have to put up with being brushed off like that, you have a concern and your doc should have taken it seriously. There isnt anything that can stop anxiety as such (mores the pity!) but there are methods that can help, such as therapy or medication and your doc should have spoken to you about these options.

Good luck with your exams and have a fab hol, Im sure you will! take care x

Vanilla Sky
09-06-10, 17:32
A little tip for you about the breathing . When you feel panicy, cup you hands over your mouth and nose and breath like that for a few mins and you will find yourself starting to calm as it gets your breathing back under control. It's the same idea but without the paper bag lol. Thats the reason you get dizzy because panic makes us breath rapidly . Don't worry a panic attack never killed anyone and as you know it does pass, ok it's horrible but your free of it quickly if you do slow deep breaths

11-06-10, 15:37
Hi Emma .. i started with panic attacks at the age of 21 (16 years back) and was free from all this for years until i had a panic attack out of the blue 5 weeks ago. i understand what you mean when you say you feel as though your going to stop breathing but rest assured theres no chance of that . try to undertsand that these are completely harmless, even though at the time of having one it dosent feel like it .. i joined NMP just over a month back and can honestly say in the last 2 weeks or ive made a massive improvement .. if i feel a panic attack coming on im more in control now .. i used to talk to my doctor till i was green in the face years ago and he.. as yours just didnt have anytime for me so i changed docs and got alot more help . i also gave up the caffine 2 weeks ago and this has definaltley made my anxiety less than it was .i also listen to some relaxing music on a night time and come in chat here where theres lots of help and support and some really nice guys and gals :D.. find it helps alot .. i feel when your talking to ppl that know where your coming from it makes it much easier (in my case) than talking to someone who dosent have a clue what yr feeling and what your going through . i got more frustrated try to explain to family and friends about this it made me worse .. anyway enough rattling on from me :) .. im sure youl be fine on your holidays and hope you have a great time ... Tony