View Full Version : Ive done it, and so can YOU. x

09-06-10, 13:34
Your all going to be seeing much less of me now... but in a good way!

Yesterday I was finally discharged from the mental health team who have been giving me my CBT over the last 6 months. I feel 1000% percent better than ever. I dont care what life throws at me now, im starting to get it into my head that so what if ive got a chest pain and i have a heart attack, nothing i can do about it is there, so im not guna waste another minute of my dam life worrying about things that havent happened, and are very unlikely TO happen anyway!! The mind is a very powerful thing, ive learnt that since i was diagnosed with GAD. I couldnt stand or walk with sheer dizziness, i was bed-ridden, then once i got m,y results back from hospital that my CT scan was clear, the dizziness completely went, it was then i realised that anxiety can do so much physically to your body, to the point where u feel like ur dying and ur in agonising pain & u feel soooo ill etc etc...that it makes u blv U MUST have something wrong with you. When infact, ur perfectly healthy, and its adrenalin that is doing this. Nothing more. I want tol wish everyone luck who is suffering with this terrible illness, and also reassurance that you WILL AND CAN get over this, providing u work hard with CBT and take the right medication whilst on your journey.

I have to thank Citalopram for literally saving my life though, without that i would of completely cracked up, it helped me through my nervous breakdown & even though im still on it, i dont NEED it. I will be weaned down to 10mg by time i start college in September, then its all up hill from there :) I just feel so happy, life feels good for once, and my son (who is 20 months tomorrow) has got his mummy back :) xxx

Good luck to everyone xxx

09-06-10, 13:35
The key is acceptance, and changing ur chain of thought. And now ive beat that, i can finally look forward. xxxx

09-06-10, 13:55
well done. I am going for my 2nd cbt session today.I know what you mean about the mind being powerful because i convinced myself i was dying and i had an endoscopy and chest x ray on monday. There was nothing on the endoscopy and i havent heard from the chest x ray but i think my doctors would have rang if there was and also the doc wasnt bothered about me having it really. I hope i start improving because the tests are clear.Did you instantly get rid of all your symptoms when your tests were clear or was it a slow process?

09-06-10, 14:31
Well done to you!

09-06-10, 15:02
Well done Crazyhayz, good luck for the future.

09-06-10, 15:39
omg crazyhayz well done!!!! i have seen many of your posts on here when you have been low and i can read the difference in your words!! An inspiration. Well done. x:yesyes:

09-06-10, 15:47
Oh Crazyhayz super well done! You've come so far. I think I speak for everyone on this site when I say that we are so so so proud of you and your achievements! Congratulations! I hope to be following in your footsteps in no time! :) :)

09-06-10, 15:50
Fantastic and good for you! Thanks for your positive post - to know you have come through that dark tunnel and survived is a real inspiration to me and I am sure many others.
Wihing you a happy and healthy future.
JoRo x

09-06-10, 16:41
Well done!!! :)

That was such an uplifting read!!

09-06-10, 16:55
Thanks for your post... made me feel much better about things! I CAN do this and I WILL beat this.. we all will!

Hope you feel even better in the furture, xx

09-06-10, 16:57
well done, so happy for you, good luck for the future :D

09-06-10, 23:41
Thankyou everyone :) xxxxx I am going to miss alot of you, dont worry il log in from to time and see how everyone is doing!! xxxx

And yes, the symtpoms stopped instantly as soon as i got the all clear results, and it stayed that way for 6 days, then i started worrying about my heart (before it was my brain lol) so they all started again lol. I have finally realised that life really is too short and i want to be ahppy and enjoy it, sitting around worrying is not going to help me, it will infact sink me deeper and deeper into anxiety and depression so worrying does the complete opposite lol.

My CBT has been amazing, i recommend it soooo much to everyone, i want to wish every single one of YOU, all the luck in the entire world, i have been through the worst anxiety u can possibly imagine, and have experienced every single anxiety symptom u could list, ive packed my abgs twice for a mental home, i had a complete nervous breakdown, i shook 24/7 and lost weight coz i couldnt eat, i coudl barely walk or go out, i could mhardly talk to people, io was "a zombie" in my mothers words lol, but there wasnt ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME !! IT WAS MEEEE WRONG WITH ME LOL!! AND PLEASE EVERYONE.... IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN ALL DO IT!!!!!!!!! I KNOW U CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM BEGGING YOU ALL, DO NOT LET THIS THING BEAT U!!!!!!! IT IS JUST A "THOUGHTS ILLNESS", NOT A TERMINAL HEALTH CONDITION LIKE I USED TO THINK!!! Even if u feel fine but are still getting physical symptoms, please realise this is ur SUBCONCIOUS MIND, I learnt alot about this in CBT, and all of you please remember the triangle "THOUGHTS>>FEELINGS>>ACTIONS" What u THINK, will be what u FEEL, and what u FEEL, will then be the CAUSE of what u ACT.

i.e) Oh my god these ectopics are really bad tonight, theyve never been this bad>>Other physical anxiety symptoms>> Panic attack or increased amount of symptoms. CHANGE THIS TO...............

i.e) Stupid ectopics playing up again but so what, how many times have i haf these? What on earth am i blimmin' worried about?!" Then carry on with whatever ur doing, and keep urself busy!! (BUSINESS IS GREATTTTTTT FOR ANXIETY!!!!)

I dont know what else to say really, i just know that this anxiety is beatable, its all about the mind, re-training it, it will take dedication/determination, hardwork, sincerity, the lot!! But trust me, if i can beat this, you all can. I was awful. I couldnt even look after my 20month old son! But seriously, i want to give a huge hug to every one of you, and to all the people who have helped ME on this site in the past few months, i cant thank you enough.

Good luck to everybody xxx "ANXIETY CAN AND WILL BE BEATEN!" XXX

Ps. If any of you need any help, advice, or just a chat, u can message me ANYTIME!!!! Good luck xxxxxxxx

10-06-10, 16:40
I am so pleased for you, bless you. I have just been referred for CBT, so this is a great story to hear it works so well.

A story of hope for us all, thank you! x

11-06-10, 01:55
No problem x

11-06-10, 19:00
Wonderful news...so glad to read you feel so happy now. :D

11-06-10, 20:11
well done :)
enjoy your life now you have it back

11-06-10, 21:55
What a lovely post to read well done x x

11-06-10, 22:59
You did it.

12-06-10, 00:46
Super thanks ppl xxx

12-06-10, 01:03
I was going to have a quick look through today's posts before going to sleep but yours will be the first and last one that I'll read I think, it is very positive and has given me a boost so thank you for that!!!! I've been suffering for almost two years and have recently finished CBT. I've been prescribed 20mg Cit but I'm still too frightened to take it. I will beat this tho and your post has been a great help. I'm accepting my symptoms but I still have one massive fear that I'm struggling to get over no matter how hard I try but I know I will one day soon!!


15-06-10, 12:05
Just bumping this thread for any new members looking through front page x x