View Full Version : whats your resting pulse rate?

09-06-10, 14:43
not trying to get people to constantly check,just wondered if we all are similar,mine is between 70- 86,never usually below 70,but can go up to the 90s.

09-06-10, 14:57
Mine's usually around 80 and always has been even before the anxiety and panic attacks came along :)

09-06-10, 16:44
Usually around 70-80 restling. Sometimes more and sometimes less.

09-06-10, 16:57
Its hard to judge this because when i start counting, i start getting anxious and it raises lol

Had everything checked on my induction to a gym the other day, and i must admit i was anxious being there.. but my resting heartrate was 116 :wacko: lol they wondered what id been doing all morning! Pure anxiety though... il try and count when calm and see what it is xx

09-06-10, 19:11
mines quite low 67 beats a min resting. No idea what it is during an anxiety attack, off the rador probably.

09-06-10, 19:40
Mine has sometimes been 59, which scares me just as much as when its racing. Usually when its this low i worry about it and it goes back up! Usually its about 70

09-06-10, 20:30
Mine has always been around 76-80 resting.

09-06-10, 21:59
Every time I take mine its usually sitting around 88, so high 80's low 90s resting. :) xx

09-06-10, 23:06
my mums is 48 and it dont bother her,id be terrified if it was me.