View Full Version : Pulse

Natalie x
09-06-10, 15:14
Hi. How many of you continually check your pulse all the time? I keep on doing this and I can't seem to stop. I'm worried when it sort of goes fast or slow or when it doesn't feel 'right'. Please someone tell me that I'm not the only one. I think that I maybe think there's something there when there really isn't and create a problem by keeping on checking my pulse. Hope this makes sense!

09-06-10, 15:17
i check mine 5 times a day at least and im not even sure why,maybe to check its still beating.

Natalie x
09-06-10, 15:24
I do it like every 5 mins! Yeah I think that's the same with me!

minnie h
09-06-10, 15:25
i do it alot n i dnt mean just a few seconds i keep my finger on it for an hour or so then relax then i put it back on for ages..so ur not alone hun x x

Neesh X
09-06-10, 15:27
Hi natalie
Im a pulse checker too, i check mine at least ten times a day and every 2 mins my my anxiety levels are high or i have a heart palp. I have seen many other similar posts too hun so your def alone.

Natalie x
09-06-10, 15:33
Thank you for your replies. I always check for abnormalitites. Like earlier I was checkign it and I almost felt like I had an extra beat twice when I checked. Is this harmless? Please reply! I need to put my mind at ease! Thank you!

09-06-10, 15:54
Heya Natalie.

I used to check my pulse all the time too. I somewhoe managed to slowly stop doing it and foudn that when I did stop checking my pulse so often I actually stopped worrying about it so much!

I've spoken to my doctor about feeling both 'double' and 'skipped' beats and she's said they're nothing to worry about and that everyone gets them, people with anxiety are just so much more aware of them because we are looking for them :)

Neesh X
09-06-10, 16:00
Try not to worry, easy to say i know :hugs:I have had 3 ECG's for that same very reason, (all came back fine),The feeling of extra, skipped or missed beats is another anxiety symtom which i also have felt many many times. More so when anx levels up or checking pulse. If you are checking your pulse because like you said it feels fast, slow, or strange, that in its self will raise your heart beat if your panicing bout it, xx
Neesh x

09-06-10, 16:46
When I'm really anxious I check every few minutes but on a normal day, probably once or twice. I used to do it a lot but somehow cut it down.