View Full Version : Worried!!

09-06-10, 15:46
I am getting concerned with a nagging ache that I have had for about 3 months in my right shoulder, in between the shoulder blade and back of my neck. This is not all the time though I have it more times than not. I also get pains and aches in my joints and noted that I have really piled weight on around my stomach, no where else, which I have put down to my increased appetite since being on Citalopram, but I am now thinking could be ascites since looking at pictures on google.

I read an article at the weekend on lung cancer about a 39 year old - my age, that was diagnosed with lung cancer after complaining about a bad aching back. It said that people assume you get a hacking cough with LC though this is not always the case. The cough usually occurs when the LC is at an advanced stage and that an ongoing back ache or aching shoulder can be a sign. This has really worried me especially after I had a CRP test which was raised.

I have been examining myself in the mirror and note my chest especially around the shoulders and right breast side seem to be sunken and less muscle, though I am not sure if this is due to my posture since putting the 4kgs on. I also note that if my mrs massages my shoulders they do feel sore and I feel that there is less flesh around them and they are more boney, though my Mrs disagrees. If I breath in and stand up right it looks more like it use to.

My ankles are also thinner and I can feel my elbows whilst at my desk which I never used to be able to, though my arms are fine. I am worried that I have the dreaded C and it has spread all over

Any advice?

09-06-10, 17:27
I have worried myself sick the last few months because i have a back ache thats getting worse and sometimes radiates to my shoulder.Its not there constant but its there more than it isnt.I also kept feeling my breathing was weird and i am bringing phlegm up,i also started getting headaches, sweats etc.Stupidly i googled and lung cancer came up and it said headaches and commonly spreads to the brain so that was it i said to my partner i have lung cancer and its spread.My doctor listened to my chest and took my blood oxygen levels,blood tests and all were fine.He sent me for a chest x ray which i had on monday and its clear.So obviously i havent got lung cancer or even a chest infection so it must be anxiety.I cant accept it all myself but i know googling makes us worse and we end up self diagnosing and not trusting the doctors. You wont have lung cancer its just your mind convincing yourself you have.The doctor said he thought my pain was muscular even though it doesnt feel it to me as it seems inside.

09-06-10, 17:43
Yes, I have been frequently getting a high temperature and sweaty. I was thinking about asking for a chest X ray, but if I did have something serious I dont think that I would want to know.

To be honest, I have not felt good since Xmas. Had the endoscope EUS, colonoscopy, kidney X ray and bladder cancer test. All clear apart from the colon & bladder being in spasm.

I know that sitting at my desk I am hench over alot, though why haven`t I had this before? Am getting very concerned.

It doesnt help that a guy at work daughter died last year aged 29 of bowel cancer, no history in the family 10000000000-1 chance, a mate has just been diagnosed with kidney cancer that has spread to the lungs & liver, another mates mum just diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and another woman I know just got the all clear after being told they were 99.9% sure she had bowel cancer.

09-06-10, 17:50
hi there, i think that due to my anxiety im always so tensed up without even realising it! my back was killing me all day and and i moved my shoulders back and it felt like such a relief. Feeling muscle pain is a sign of stress hence the panic. I would go to the GP and get yourself checked but i would also tell the GP that you think you have lung cancer. Im sure if they see how worried you are you will get a very reassuring response! An increased appetite is the last thing you would have if you had lung cancer

09-06-10, 17:59
there must be millions of benign reasons for your symptoms. One being how overly focused you are on them so dont worry about lung cancer it does not effect people till like 65 years old.

10-06-10, 09:25
Thanks fo your replies.