View Full Version : Citalopram side effects?

09-06-10, 16:16
Hi guys, me agian.

Just curious after 9 weeks I'm still experiencing major morning low's and anxiety. Insomnia everynight, up at 2 or 4am. Interestly this seems to subside after lunch or at least buy dinner and the evenings i'm pretty good. of course I get exercise after dinner. Today i see my GP and not sure where to go with the meds. I have upped the Cit from 20 to 30 three weeks ago and still are not feeling the relief that everyone has mentioned. Is it time to change to an anti-anxiety and wean myself off CIt???

Getting tired of waiting for relief. The last three days have measured a 10 on the anxiety and depression scale, crying and all.

Thanks Ron

09-06-10, 16:31
Hi Ron,

Im sorry that you have been feeling low. Its awful when that scale reaches a 10 because our life stops and we cant get going again.
I would perhaps give it a little longer and see how you feel then but I would bring it up with the doc and see what they say.

I hope you find peace soon

Laura xxxx

09-06-10, 16:47
Hi Ron,

Read your post and it mirrors how I have been these past few months, I took citalopram initially last October but had to change to Mirtazipine in February but still even though it got me back to work and in a better place I suffered from morning anxiety which like you say lasts during the day sometimes but then the afternoons/evenings I felt better.

I was kindly advised on here to ask my GP about pregabalin an anti-anxiety med. It is quite expensive so alot of Gp's apparantly are reluctant to prescribe it but I was lucky and my GP has given it to me. Its early days for me I only started taking it Saturday evening (but it works quickly apparantly) and already I have been waking up feeling alot better...it does have side effects of dizziness and tiredness which I have experienced the tiredness and particularly today have felt spaced out but I am giving it a shot as like you got to the end of my tether!!

Have a word with your gp see what they think??

I do hope you feel better soon, I know what its like and its blooming awful!!!

Take care Ron,


09-06-10, 17:25
Hi Ron
You may have seen your doctor by now but I've been on citalopram for 15mths now. I started on 20mg & was still anxious after 4mths so increased to 30mg, still little relief then in October I increased to 40mg in the hope that it would help with my sleep too, rather than having to see a psychiatrist to change to different meds.
Since then my anxiety during the day (unless triggered by trauma memories) is manageable & I'm sleeping better.

I'm please I managed to stick it out with Citalopram as other than some weight gain I have no side effects.

Hope your Gp can make some useful suggestions.

10-06-10, 03:06
You will have sleep problems on citalopram, its an upper, a happy drug.