View Full Version : Mum and dad gone away... alone for a week!! Will you all be my family? :)

09-06-10, 17:05
Hi guys,

So my mum and dad have gone away this morning, iv been soooo worried about it and have had increased anxiety and panic attacks for the past week leading up to it..

Im just so worried, hate being on my own.. my mums the one who can calm me down and someone is usually always at home which makes me feel safer incase something happens!

Im terrified il get ill during this week, the worst fear is being sick or dizzy! or I have a huge panic attack where i go completely insane and i cant calm down... my hearts been racing all day and im so tired, but i know the nights will be the worst because atleast in the day my neighbours are awake... but at night, who can i get then if i get ill??

Iv got work tomorrow and friday too.. wish i could just lock myself in my 'safe' bedroom for the week, but obv thats not healthy and wont do me any good!!

Just might need abit of reassurance to get me through the week and ask for you all to be my family :blush: lol

Started this post so i have somewhere to write if i get anxious or in a state.. so i apologise now if i rant on one day :scared15:

Thank you xx

09-06-10, 17:09
Hi There
You will be fine
I dont like being on my own
Keep yourself very busy and the time will fly
At a night have you got any relaxation music if so play it when you go to bed and you will drop of to sleep.
Good luck.


09-06-10, 17:12

Im sorry that you feel a bit abandoned right now. As and when you need someone just come on here and talk and they'll always be someone around. If you need to then please send me a private message and I will help if I can.

You say that you think the night times will be the worst? Is there anything you like doing that will keep you occupied or tv/movies you like to watch? What is it that you worry about?Your health? If so then I think its a case of rationalisation and thinking whether logically you think you are ill.

Take care and be free to talk when you need,

Laura xxxx

09-06-10, 17:35

I know exactly what you mean. Im usually ok at staying at home on my own when my husband is away but this time my mum is away too. They are both my safety nets and usually when one is gone the other one is there, but not this time.

First two nights have been ok, but last night was terrible. It had to be last night that i developed heartburn for the first time ever and was convinced it was a heart attack. To be honest even after seeing the dr today, im still thinking its heart related.

Anyway, this afternoon i worked from home, did some gardening (which i never do and was weirdly calming) and some house work. Nothing special but feel a tad better.

Going to work will be good for you, then you can enjoy coming back to your safe place later.

Message me anytimex

Vanilla Sky
09-06-10, 17:38
Yes , we will be your family ! Someone is here at all times , so you know you 've just got to log on , you'll be fine hun :)

09-06-10, 18:09
Thank you soo much!! :hugs:
Really reassures me knowing theres always someone on hear to talk too..

I know i sound silly worrying about being on my own.. im 22, so should be all grown up about it lol but my brain plays tricks and makes me worry about all the 'what ifs'

Im going to try and distract myself alot.. and im feeling sooo tired from panicking today, that hopefully il just drop off to sleep tonight.
I know the first couple of days will be the hardest, so iv just got to get through them.

Will prob be posting in this thread everyday lol so i apologise in advance :D

Thank you again, il let you know how i get on xx

09-06-10, 18:13
Hey fairyclairy,

Why don't you come into chat when you are feeling really alone, its an instant boost with people to talk to right there and then and not having to wait for someone to reply to a post.

We'd love to see you in there sometime.

Take care
Natalie x

09-06-10, 18:27
Hey There,
Home alone tips. (Im also home alone this week but am OK with it)
Try not to let the house be too quiet, (background music or tv)
Keep the house well lit at night.
Think about what you will do if the front door or the phone goes.
You dont have to answer the door or set a time that you wont answer it after.
You dont have to answer the phone let it go to messages and chose if you want to call back.
Perhaps know where a torch is.

Advantages, loud music, pick of the telly, favourite foods, leave the washing up, throw your clothes anywhere (thats probably just me), missing Mum & Dad can be a good thing, sense of achievment when you have done it

People will be here all around the clock. Post any concerns.
Your virtual big brother for the week.

10-06-10, 20:23
Thankyou thankyou for your posts! Theyre really helping me :bighug1:
Day two is nearly done and im ok at the moment - feel absolutly shattered from work all day and not a great sleep lastnight, but hopefully il sleep abit better tonight!
Been food shopping tonight and trying to keep busy.

Still wishing the week away and hoping itl go very quick, but at the moment im coping better than i thought! xx

10-06-10, 20:41
Leave your lights on downstairs, possibly the TV,
When im home alone i usually have friends stop over for the week :)

10-06-10, 21:00
I know how you feel, because my parents went up north for 5 days once. PANIC PANIC PANIC fo the first day, then I was fine and became all "responsible" and very happy with the space in the house. Its wierd, but I started to feel anxious when they got back, rather than when I was alone.

10-06-10, 21:02
You have a big family here.:grouphug:

This site is great because someone is awake somewhere to chat with.
I agree with leaving a light on. Tv, radio, something to keep you company. I have done that myself.

10-06-10, 21:32
Aw thankyou.. xx
Yeah iv been leaving my tele on in bedroom over night and lights on in hall and bathroom lol what am I like hey! Feel sooo stupid cos im meant to be all grown up at 22, but the panic completely takes over!

Thanks for all your support guys, you have no idea how much it helps xx

12-06-10, 17:14
Well, im half way through.. 4 days done, and in 4 days time theyll be home around this time!

Still feeling constantly anxious, i try to calm down but i think my subconcious has taken over and is making me anxious until they get home! Very annoying :nonono:

I keep trying to stay in control though and keep telling myself im ok and nothing is going to happen.. which is helping and keeping me from a full blown attack at the moment.

My body is soooo achy and painful from being constantly wound up .lol. but i can cope with that as I know its just from the anxiety!

In a way, its going quite quick... but in other ways its going soooo slow, which i think is where my constant anxiety is coming from because i know im not in control with when they'll be home.. i know i cant speed time up, so il just have to wait..

Thankyou for all your support. I know il make it through :yesyes: xx

12-06-10, 21:32
Ok, so i spoke too soon... im freeking out now!!

Had my friend and my little god daughter round tonight and theyv just left, and i was fine.. then started really freeking out! I thought my vision was going funny and was coming down with a migrane... which then makes u sick! (HUGE vomit phobia)
So i totally freeked... my visions fine now, just shaky, heart racing, feel funny...its sooo much worse cos im on my own! And my bfs out watchin england so he'l be drunk so cant ring him! God i hate it... wish my mum n dad wud jus come back!

Really need to try and calm down but its so hard!! x

12-06-10, 21:45
I know it is difficult. Find something to comfort yourself. If you can eat, comfort foods, sip water. Take a little walk outside just back and forth a few feet. If there are neighbors, just seeing people can help you feel safer. I have sat and jiggled my legs to release some of the tension.

12-06-10, 22:44
Hey FairyClairy,
You had been doing so well.
How does your mum talk you down. can you call her.
Can your friend come back or can you ring her.
Can you tough it out.
The sensations are hiddeous but can you soften them. Control breathing.

13-06-10, 13:02
Thanks guys, i managed to calm down and keep it under control.. didnt sleep till 2am though but eventually did drift off.

Trying to pick myself up again but feel so drained and fed up of being alone :weep: think its just cos im constantly anxious which isnt helping, cos my body is getting a rest.

Im sure il be fine though, Roll on Wednesday night :D lol xx

14-06-10, 08:38
Not long now fairyclairy,

You are doing great, keep at it! :yesyes:

14-06-10, 10:20
I feel like im slowly loosing it now... :wacko: you'd think id be like this at the start when they first went.. not when i only have two days left!

The loneliness is the worst, i just feel so alone even when there can be loads of people around me! Its weird..

Feel completely out of control because i want them back now, but i know iv got to wait till Weds night..... and we all know how much we like being in control when suffering from anxiety! :)

My main symptom at the moment is feeling utterly drained.. no energy what so ever! I woke up this morning at 9am ish and got up straight away cos i knew otherwise id lie in bed all morning thinking about things... and by the time id had a shower and done hair etc, i was knackered! My legs hurt, my head feels all weird... just no energy! And i know thinking logically it is just because iv been sooo anxious since last weds, even at home in the 'safe place'.. jus cant escape the panic. So i know that would drain you, plus i aint sleeping great... but my panic head tells me im ill, im going insane, im going to pass out (fainting phobia as well as vomit phobia :scared15:)
I try and do things to take my mind off it but it never works. If i tell myself its just anxiety.. i cant believe it! xx

17-06-10, 19:11
Well, i did it! Woop haha
They got back home last night... had a huge huge panic attack at work this morning but think that was because iv tried to keep it together all week and then it all blew up once they got back!

Thanks again for all your support, really helped me through! x