View Full Version : Two small, skin colored bumps

09-06-10, 17:39
I just spotted 2, very small, slightly raised skin colored spots on my tummy. I can feel them with my finger tips if I pass my hand over them, and I can see them cause they are slightly pinker than the rest of my skin. If I flatten the skin by pulling it away from my belly (I am flabby, sorry) then it turns normal color, and looks slightly shiny.

I immediately jump to a conclusion that I must have some kind of illness and soon these spots will be all over my body! I looked all over, so far just these two. I have no idea how long they've been there, just noticed them today. I don't think they were there last week, but who knows.

Can anyone teach me a way to calm myself, first thought was "Go to the Doctor" to check them out, but I don't want to pay for a Doctors visit if what I have is a textbok case of Hypochondria!

Anyone have words of advice

09-06-10, 18:53
sounds like hypochondria because you see it and probably thinking some extreme when in actual fact the body has lumps and bumps