View Full Version : very nervous - panicky feeling today

09-06-10, 17:58
I have been back at work now half days for almost two weeks. Next week I start back full-time. Today I am really having a a hard time. Sometimes I think it's the .5mg of ativan that I take in the morning, though I haven taken that for a couple of months now. But I just felt really tired, and spacey at work today. My counselor thinks because I am pushing myself much more now, doing things and going back to work, that my anxiety level probably is increased and this will start getting better the more confidence I get in myself. There are some health issues with my Mom that I am dealing with also. So, what do you think? Do you have these bad days and you can't always figure out why you're feeling so panicky and nervous? Any tips on how to deal with it?

10-06-10, 10:22
Hi Jo

I think that you're doing so well being back at work, but maybe you're feeling a bit under pressure knowing that you start full time next week?

You are probably feeling so tired because you are putting the effort in, adjusting to shift work again etc..so just give yourself a bit of time. Also, if you are worried about your mum, it is going to be at the back of your mind. Are you putting on a brave face for everyone, despite how you are feeling inside? (as this can drain you - I know as I'm a bit good at doing that myself).

I must admit I have good days and bad days too. The thing that makes me feel annoyed with myself is that I have a lot to be thankful for - 2 lovely children and a husband whom I love very much. I have many blessings. However, that said, I have had a few health worries of my own, my husband has had some also and I guess that those things in the background haven't helped me much. I'm awfully hard on myself sometimes..my own worst enemy!:weep:

I find that mornings tend to be the most difficult time for me but as the day progresses, I usually feel better. Do you feel like this too? The only tip I can give you is to tell yourself that the feeling will pass. It's what helps me. Also, I recently bought Claire Weekes' book 'Self Help For Your Nerves' and am reading my way through this. I'm finding it very helpful as it at least explains why I feel the way I do sometimes. Don't know if you've read it, it might be worth a try?

Let us know how you get on. Take care.:hugs:x

10-06-10, 11:03
I think baggie is right about the pressure of going back to work full time, also the issues with your Mom. I can relate to the feeling of some days better than others. I had 4 quite good days last week.Felt brighter,more normal, less anxiety and I thought great! im on my way back.. Then yesterday, awful!! With me though I find wet, windy weather drags my mood down .I should have realised that this HA doesnt just disappear overnight.
I have found Jo that turning positive statements over in my mind when I feel myself slipping tends to help..I think positive thinking helps a lot but its so difficult to get onto that train of thought when the anxiety is high i know.

10-06-10, 12:17
Hey Jo, I think its definatley the thought of returning to work full-time next week as I had it when I went back on reduced hours then increased up to full-time. You will settle though and be fine...I am still having bad days especially in the mornings...but I still manage to go to work and find the distraction helps, but some days it lingers.

The issues with your mum are adding to it too. I agree with Zee about the positive statements and I know I desperately try with that, sometimes it does help but agree it is very hard to do when extreme anxiety is felt!!

Take care hun and I wish you well for next week....you will be fine.


10-06-10, 12:50
Thank you for your replies. Mornings do tend to be hard for me. I always am trying to analyze why I feel the way I do - sometimes I feel pretty good and other days I feel more spacey and nervous. My mother's health issues I know are really bothering me also. My brother helps a lot with that, but he is on vacation this week. And I am really nervous about going full time next week.
I do have Dr. Claire Weekes book and it is very helpful.
Thanks again. I'll try to remember that everyone has some bad days and that this is normal. I will try to stay positive.

10-06-10, 14:04
Hi Jo,

mornings are worse for me too. I sweat buckets and feel like throwing up, but usually by early evening im feeling better, but thats because ive no where to go and h=no one to see.

I was off most of last year with anxiety/depression and im back at work now. Its exhausting holding it all together. Im not coping very well as the dr changed my AD as the other 2 he prescribed didnt work so im on my 3rd one and h has just upped the dose.

Ive to go to work as i wont get paid im i go sick again and thats not an option as im a single parent. Im hiding this illmness from my kids, but everyone else know i suffer from anxiety.

Im having 1-2 good days in a week then outa no where the anxiety strikes. I have no advice on how to deal with it other than to keep going til tomorrow, and it might be better.

Take care

10-06-10, 17:30
I had my first panic attack a yr ago heart racing couldnt breathe i was thinking im in trouble. had a couple more not as bad i had broken up with misses . i dont want 2 take medication does anyone have any other methods of containing these attacks constant swallowing that would be great . im constantly checking pulse which leads me 2 worry then bring on attack

10-06-10, 22:17
I have been "challenging" the fears - doing errands, going to work. I guess I'm just waiting for the anxiety/spacey feelings to start going away. Maybe I am being too impatient. I know Dr. Weekes talks about accepting and floating through - maybe I haven't figured that out yet.