View Full Version : Worried sick about heart test results :'(

09-06-10, 18:46
Hi guys,

I had some heart tests done in the april of this year. I had an ECHO & A 24 HOUR HOLTER MONITOR. The consultant at the time didn't seem to think anything would be wrong & it'd just be my anxiety & that I 'probably wouldn't need a follow up appointment' but a few weeks ago I got a letter from the hospital saying that I need to go back for another appointment on the 23rd of this month... :(
Why would I have to go back if they wasn't anything wrong? Now I'm worried sick & don't want to go for the appointment, I was gonna cancel it but then I thought, 'well, I'd never know then' & that'd probably be worse.

My Mum keeps saying it's just for my results but I think they would have just sent them to the doctors if nothing was wrong...

I'm SO worried & alot is already going on at the moment.

Has anyone any advice/been through the same thing?

Thanks in advance. x

09-06-10, 19:06
yeah most likely just the results dont worry too much

09-06-10, 19:32
Nothing to worry about. I went through exactly the same thing, Echo, ECG, Holter, Treadmill test, etc. The results took some time to come back and I had to get an appointment with the consultant so he could tell me the results.....everything was normal, it was all in my mind. :)

When I was having the ECHO, I asked the consultant if he was seeing anything wrong. He kinda looked at me, smiled (in a nice way), and told me that if something was wrong, they wouldn't let me leave the hospital.

So don't worry, it'll be OK.

09-06-10, 19:36
Dont worry im sure that it is routine with tests like these to return to the hospital for your results even if they are normal. The consultant probably wants to reasurre you that it is 'just' anxiety. Dont cancel the appointment instead try and contact the hospital to see if you can get an earlier appointment like a cancelation or something so you are seen quicker xx

09-06-10, 19:41
Thanks so much guys you have put my mind at abit more ease. I'll try & calm down abit & just wait it out. But I know I'll still be worrying...
Thanks so much
I'll let you all know the outcome. x

Going home
09-06-10, 20:13
Yes its normal for them to call you in to talk about these kind of results, because they also both show you and explain the printout from the tests even when everything is ok, which they can't do in a letter or over the phone...:)

Anna xxx