View Full Version : smear test results!!!

09-06-10, 19:07
i have not received my smear test results its two weeks since i had it done, it was five years ago since the last one which was normal, as i am in my late fiftys, i had warts about 20 years ago, so i had to have smear tests annually and then 2 years etc, i had lazer treatment for the infection, anyway my anxiety levels are really bad, all the symtoms have come back big time, and i have a backache with sore skin to touch on my back, dizzy keep crying, i keep thinking the worse all the time, and terrified of the result. i rang the hospital today for the results, i had to drink rescue remedy while i done it, but the results were not in yet, thaey said it can take up to 6 weeks to get them, i asked them if something was wrong would i have known by now, but they didnt seem to know. i know i must sound like a big baby, but i ant help this anxiety disorder, as most of you will know. any replies will be so appreciated.:)

09-06-10, 19:33
im sure you will be fine, and no news is good news. I had an abnormal smear result and needed treatment and i got the intial smear result less than 2 weeks after the smear so i guess if you havent heard anything yet then yours is normal. Please try not to worry. I can understand why you are anxious though, it is always a struggle waiting for results. XX

09-06-10, 20:09
I can totally understand your anxiety, i think most woman get a little anxious waiting for smear tests results. I am quite sure if anxiety wasnt rearing its ugly head with you right now, things would be much more in perspective, and you would accept the waiting for the results was part of the process, and your thoughts surrounding it would be more rational, add anxiety into the mix, and our minds just goe off in a tangent.
I am quite sure your results will be fine, i know thats easy for people to say when its not us to thats waiting for the results. Think about what you would say to a friend that came to you with the same worry, we can give out sound advice, but we find it very difficult to take our own advice.
try and keep your mind as busy as you can, and you might find it useful to write down the facts about the test etc, i find this helpful in situations like this, sometimes i have to write the list of facts many times, but it does help.

hope the waiting will be over for you soon


P x

10-06-10, 07:04
When I had my smear test I got very anxious like you but was told that if they has found anything you were normally know sooner rather than later. THey normally write to people who have abnormal results first as they need the treatment and then the normal result letters are processed there after. I think even at two weeks you would have heard by now if it was abnormal.

Although it is stressful try not to worry and think about ways to distract yourself


11-06-10, 13:57
thanks for the replies, i still havent heard, i think apprehension make your mind do strange things, i know i should try and think positive, i will, and i will keep you informed. thanks!:scared15:

11-06-10, 15:33
Ive had a few smear tests over the years. The results only arrived quickly once, the rest of the time it was about 6 weeks.

12-06-10, 12:19
The results of my last smear test took nearly 5 weeks to come back and all was clear.

17-06-10, 18:29
thanks to all of you who supported me in the last three weeks, i got my result today, it was normal, but i stll have the dreaded anxiety, it hasnt lifted, and i feel very tired, maybe the sensitisation takes a while, i feel more anxious than normal!!:)