View Full Version : Advice please heart burn/heart attack

09-06-10, 19:38

Last night i went to bed and started to get chest pains. This then developed into a burning/itchy sensation in the centre of my chest.

I got myself into a state worrying i was going to have a heart attack and after 2 hours ended up ringing NHS direct plus no sleep all night worrying. Went to the drs this morning and she's says i've got heartburn, and that my heart is fine. Can she really tell that from just taking my blood pressure and listening to my heart?

Anyway i was wondering if you've got heart burn when it first started. I have never had it and so its a worry, plus its constant, since last night, a constant burn. Is heart burn and anxiety related? I had some tablets to take but am too scared to take them as my husband is away, although i will probably try them once he gets back (there are so many scary symptoms)

Any advice appreciated, thanks!