View Full Version : Upping My Escitalopram Dose

09-06-10, 21:30
Hey guys

Hope everyone is good. Almost two weeks ago I upped my escitalopram dose from 10mg to 20mg and for the first week felt relatively good. 10 mg of escitalopram had taken my anxiety from a 10 to a 5 and that first week on an upped dose I was down to a 3 even a 1 at times, However since the weekend I have begun to feel low again back upto around a 7.
I just finished uni for the summer and have nothing to do at the mo as Im waiting on responses from the jobs I have applied to.
My big fear is vcjd so I have convinced myself that I am losing my memory and am struggling to sleep.

Is this just the side effects of the increase in meds? Could it be that after a week feeling normal my resistance to anxiety is a bit lower than it was and my lack of distraction making this worse?

I have CBT starting in a couple of weeks just looking for a bit of short term reassurance!
Thanks Guys

10-06-10, 02:31

I too am new to citalopram. Don't want to scare you or alarm you. remember our reaction to meds is all different. I have been in cit for 9 weeks. From 20mg's for 6 weeks, to 30 for 3 more and today I have increased to 40. I can tell you it's been a major roller coaster ride. Some of the maoin side effects is increased anxiety and insomnia. I mean up and down from a 2 to a 10, the worse times are in the morning and it tends to level off in the afternoon and evening. I can also tell you that 20 to 30 mg's are very low dosages asnd some people can take iup to 80. Also know that there were time in the last 9 weeks that I thought i was on my way to relief and then days later down again. It's been up and down, I can also tell you that on this web site there haas been plenty of people that have achieved relief and that this is why I remain hopeful for myself and have upped again rather than giving up and trying another med. My mother has achieved relief witih 20mg's.

Keep yourself busy, I can tell you that my biggest relief of anxiety has been exercise. Creating a sweat has released the indorphins and given me relief like nothing else.

Again this note isin't to scare you just to tell you my experience. I'm hopefull your 20mg's will be your number. Keep me posted or ask anytime for some support if after reading this note doesn't spook you.


10-06-10, 08:53
Hey Ron

Thanks for the response that makes me feel a lot better. I think I felt that I was getting better so going backwards shocked me a little bit. I get quite bad depersonalisation when my anxiety is bad so that probably contributed too!
I'm definitely going to start exercising as Ive always loved running I just find it hard to get the energy at the mo.
Im just gonna sit back and try to enjoy the rollercoaster!

11-06-10, 02:29

Jus so you know Escitalopram is different from citalopram and 20mg is the higher dosage. Im on escitalopram, and venlafaxine both of which i dont find relief from but take purely to avoid the monumental withdrawl i experience without them. Rather than really offer advice to you, perhaps just know you are not alone!

I have been on escitalopram 10mg for mayb just under a year now, but hav jus started feeling incredibly nauseated with my anxiety...like the thoughts r too much so turns into physical symptoms...also cannot sleep. pretty frustrating as most people are sleepin at this time and am still awake..pretty boring too!!

I am 20 and looking for work at th moment too so its pretty stressful and can relate to what you are going through.

Hope you feel relief soon, maybe ask for some sleeping tabs? theyre pretty helpful if you worry at night, pm me if u need further help with meds and good luck with th cbt...

sam :)

11-06-10, 11:04
hey sam thanks for the reply. Hope your alrite.

Yea the doctor and I had a long chat about meds when she put me on escitalopram. She said she found it had less side effects than citalopram and when I saw her last she told me that if the 20mg didnt work that it would be best to move on to a diff med.

Yea I mite ask about some sleeping tabs Ive always been a bit worried about taking them as I can see myself getting too reliant on them and not being able to sleep without them lol! I know what you mean about the boredom watching way too many bad late night films at the mo.

Ive found a job as of yesterday working in a pub kitchen (something I did from the age of 13 so shouldnt be too stressful) so hopefully that will provide me the distraction I need. Plus knowing Im employed has eased my money worries so Im feeling a bit more positive!

Good luck finding a job I know it can be a real pain trawling through ads and handing out CVs!

Thanks for the support.