View Full Version : Chest pains on the left side

09-06-10, 21:47
started experiencing chest pains on my left side this evening. sometimes its a bit harsh.

My pulse is regular and between 70-80 and have no other symptoms. Im assuming its stress but wouldnt mind knowing if others experienced something similar. :weep:

09-06-10, 21:54
Yep, it's pretty much what started all my anxiety off! I had bad left sided chest pains for weeks and weeks, it was muscular due to tension cuz I tense myself without even knowing it and I'm pretty sure it's the same for you. I'm getting bad central chest pains right now (since I found out where my heart is my pain has miraculously moved haha) but I know it's just anx playing tricks with me so I'm trying to ignore them! They will more than likely be gone when you wake up tomorrow morning. :D xx

09-06-10, 22:34
aaaah cheers, it really helps.

10-06-10, 13:06
yeah still got it today but trying not to focus too much on it. Does seem weird its still there though.

Quite sharp at times.

minnie h
10-06-10, 13:14
cud it be wind hun? Ur probably tensing up,just try and relax.nice warm both or a hot water bottle! :hugs: :hugs: x x