View Full Version : poor circulation cold hands and feet

09-06-10, 23:38
not sure if i have this my hands and feet are always cold people even comment on how cold my hands are,also get a bit of tingling,im on meds to lower bp could it be the meds? i also go dizzy when i stand up at times,a bit worried.

10-06-10, 00:20
I've had this for years. I'm only 21 too hah. I have very low blood pressure as well as anemia - very dizzy. Don't be worried.

10-06-10, 00:34
I wouldn't get too worried about it, alot of people have this problem. I get it all the time when im nervous.

10-06-10, 05:50
Heya, I'm only 20 and this has always happened to me. I've always had freezing hands and feet and low blood pressure. I think I just have bad circulation. Nothing to worry about. Also get tinglies a lot. Don't stress over it :)

10-06-10, 12:21
my bp is normal could it be the meds thats doing it,i also get pins and needles really quick now e.g could be resting on my arm for a minuite and it goes tingly that never happened before.

Neesh X
10-06-10, 12:35
Hi puppykin
I posted something similar a few days ago about the pins and needles really not sure what they are. But i wasnt on any meds at when they started. I believe they are associated with anxiety bt ive never had it before this month?? Let me know if you get to the bottom of it cause worries me too. xx
neesh x

11-06-10, 00:13
Me too me too!
I have borderline low blood pressure, border line low iron and bad circulation. Which all add up to freezing hands and feet sometimes whole limbs, lots of major pins and needles and alot of dizziness.
I have asked a few docs what to do to improve this but all the say is drink lots of water and stay warm.
I'm confused whether to add exercise to this as alll the exercise classess are advertised as good for lowering high blood pressure, well I dont want to make things worse so what do I do?

11-06-10, 00:26
hi puppyskin dont worry yourself sounds like anxiety alone try and exercise or do something relaxing so your whole body relaxing and should reduce symptoms