View Full Version : womens worry!

10-06-10, 02:04
Hi guys,just wanted to get a few of your thoughts on what could be happening to me at the moment.I have had a horrible pain in my side on and off for over a year now and it is centered around my hip area,left side and lower left back,I also get a pain near my belly button frequently and have a vague feeling of discomfort if you know what I mean.I have anxiety quite badly and a lot of you have helped me in the past ,more recently in January this year when I was undergoing tests for Melanoma as I had a strange mark on my toenail.it's ok thank God but now I have this to worry about.
I am 43 years old and my periods have always been on the heavy side but this last one was a week early and very heavy indeed,coupled with my mood swings and all the other symptoms I went to see the gp.She has really frightened me as she said the pain sounds like it is connected to the reproductive system and wants me to go and have a swab taken from my womb,as soon as I said I have a lot of brown discharge(sorry for been so graphic)and pain she instantly looked worried.I am panicking now as I am thinking there may be a growth down there and that is why the pain is so bad,ovarian cancer,cancer of the womb,need I go on?My husband isn't much help as he always thinks I panic too much and loses his temper and says he hasn't known anybody like me for worrying.I wish he could see me for what I used to be like before this blasted anxiety took hold of my life,I am beginning to think that everything I suffer from has something to do with this perimenopause thing that some women get,it would explain a lot of things I can say.Has anybody else ever suffered these symptoms and could it be something not so serious?the pain near my hip is really bad though and it is scaring me witless.