View Full Version : Worrying Citalopram Side Effects

10-06-10, 03:02
Hi All,

Ive been on citalopram for 3 months now (20mg) for my anxiety, ive noticed the past 7 days im getting strange vision problems, more so at night, as if theres waves of water in front of my eyes and its floating around, not so much blurred vision id say more distorted.

has anyone here experienced similar to this on citalopram?


10-06-10, 08:10
Hi Lavendar,
The vision problems sound like a normal side effect of the Cit, I had some blurring of my vision too during the first week and I have heard other people's accounts of having similar issues.

You might try having a read of the Citalopram Survival Guide by PscyhoPoet that is stickied at the top of the Citalopram forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=49), as well as some other peoples posts. This may help give you more information about what you are going through.

jaded jean
10-06-10, 08:27
Hi lavender.
yes I had this on and off for a couple of weeks . mine seemed to come on in the evening, it will go though so dont worry,

10-06-10, 21:06
I experienced this too. It was horrible! I hope it goes away soon!

18-06-10, 19:34
I was on citalopram for 12 months and had vision issues for the entire time.At times I felt the side effects of citalopram were so much worse than those of anxiety, just that being on citalopram made me care so little about it but as my
doctor explained the more it knocks you around means it's had a greater seratonin imbalance to correct!

01-12-10, 03:48
Well all the side effects have gone now thank god! thanks for all your help people.