View Full Version : will it be better for me to go up a dose?????????

10-06-10, 09:12
morning every1 ,i had a good sleep at last but woke up startled with hot tingling racing heart adrenalin rush and thought oh god not another day like this, i didnt no weather to call my doctors and ask to go on 10mg of cipralex as some of u r aware ive been on 5mg for 8 days, i think my anxiety levels are extream and to strong for the 5mg so think i should go up now but a bit concernd as i dont want anymore side effects if im highering my dose slightly what should i do ?? i just want to feel normal again ???????

10-06-10, 12:39
Hi - I replied to your other post. The normal procedure for upping dosages is once every two weeks, as there are side effects when ramping up on meds. It sounds like you're experiencing initial anxiety from the Cipralex - you could ask your GP for some short term Valium, which is usually given in these situations.