View Full Version : Random pressure in my head

Electric Blue
10-06-10, 09:17
Hi guys,

Just hoping to get some reassurance if possible.

I had headaches a few weeks ago, but they have eased.

I then had this feeling of pressure in between my eyes, but all that happened was a very sore pimple came up...which I think may be part of the reason why I felt the pressure...

Anyways, so that's now gone...now I'm feeling random pressure in my head...it doesn't happen all the time...just sometimes but I feel pressure run up from my temples all the way to the top of my head and sometimes a little dizziness
It doesn't last very long, but it scares the hell outta me. =(

I feel pretty good when I wake up in the morning and I'm feeling fine right now as I'm typing this... I went to the doctor's about my headaches and he didn't seem concerned at all.
I also got my eyes tested and I told the optometrist that I was worried about something serious like a brain tumor...he said he looked at my optic nerve and if there tumors or anything like this he would probably have been able to tell. And that everything looked just fine.

My doctor didn't seem too concerned about my headaches at all and just said it was all stress/ anxiety related. He's now referred me to see a psychologist to help me think about things in a different way...rather then everything being doom & gloom.

I start my psychology sessions not this weekend but the following, and I'm really hoping that they're able to help. I could've started my sessions this week but I work full time and I quite often don't have much time to do anything during the week =(

I'm pretty sure it's most likely all anxiety related and me thinking negatively...

I do spend pretty much all my time in front of a computer...8 hrs a day at work then I come home and spend time on my laptop...watch TV so I wonder if the headaches I had and the pressure in my head that I feel at random may have something to do with staring at screens all day. (I know I sound like such a nerd/ couch potato...but it's winter here at the moment and the weather has been pretty miserable lately)

I've also booked in a chiropractor for next week, as I do sit in the same position at work all day (the joy of office work) I have heard poor posture can lead to headaches/ pressure in head...so was hoping this may help.

I don't really wanna rush back to the doctors and demand scans, I'm pretty sure if the doctor thought something may be seriously wrong they would do all the required tests. Plus I don't think running back to the doctors is really the answer...I want to be able to manage my anxiety without thinking I need to rush to the doctor because I'm dying.

Anyways, any thoughts would be appreciated.

Electric Blue

10-06-10, 11:06
i get the same as you and convinced myself it was a tumour. i STUPIDLY looked up the symptoms and lo and behold within days i had all of them. went to the doctors rather hysterically and he assurede me it was headaches and anxiety. it took me a few days to accept it but ever since then i have been headache free with just the odd pressure/jolt/twinge which if i think about happens only when i;m stressed or anxious..... hope this helps you :D

Electric Blue
10-06-10, 11:13
Cheers glsr0467, I'm fairly sure I'm just thinking the worst. I'm not having headaches at the moment just tightness and pressure in my head...which is probably tension building up.