View Full Version : just really down

10-06-10, 11:32
I'm so scared of going out and meeting my friends now I can't drink. I used to be really giddy and fun when i was drunk and that's how most of them think i am all of the time. and now I'm not drinking I have no confidence at all I can't even dress how i used to. i can't muster up any energy to try and be fun or have a good time.
I'm on these meds to help me but I'm still having panic attacks i still feel incredibly low. i have no energy to do anything. i went to bed at about 8 o'clock last night, and I'm supposed to be out for my brothers 18th today. i don't want to disappoint him but i feel like if i go out with him he will see how boring i am n everyone will just think im a fast mess anyway.

10-06-10, 11:42
I am also doing it without booze. It's hard at times but it gets easier with practice. I wish you good luck. Baggs.

10-06-10, 15:23
Hi Jenfa,sorry to hear you are having a bad time.I too used to drink a lot,and used the drink to cover the symptoms of my anxiety.However,as you have probably found out,drink is good while we're under the influence of it but next day we can pay the price,not only in the form of a hangover but often in an increase in the very symptoms we were trying to escape.There is also the issue of peer pressure when it comes to booze.If your mates are all drinking there can be pressure to conform to the social norms expected of you when you go to parties,pubs etc.This is all very well if you don't suffer with panic/anxiety/depression,but as you've discovered its no fun when you do.

I think you need to be honest with your brother as you need time for the meds to start working.I'm assuming they are anti depressants?They usually take anything between 2 and 6 weeks to start having an effect.The panics you are experiencing now could have been exacerbated by stopping drinking,I'm very confident that they will ease once the meds are kicking in and the longer you go without the booze.Try to be honest with the people around you....if they care about you they certainly won't think of you as a mess,because you're not...you simply have an illness.Please take care and know there are plenty of people here to support you.


10-06-10, 20:58
I try and avoid wine or beer. It makes me very depressed!

I hope you start to feel better soon :hugs: