View Full Version : need courage

10-06-10, 12:20
Dear Sir
I am new in the forum so I would like your support in this.
Three years ago I had my first panic attack...after three months I visited the doctor and I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. So, i started my treatment with cipralex 20mg and it worked perfect for me. I quit off the medicine four months later as I was feeling back to normal. Six months later my anxiety came back so I was on cipralex 10mg for two months and for 8 months on 5mg. Starting the process of quiting off the medicine, I was on 2.5 mg for 4 months, when my anxiety and the fear of getting a panic attack again came back. So, I started for two weeks the 10mg , and because I wasn't feeling any better I went back to 20mg. This lasted 6 months, and because I was feeling ok I was on 10mg again for four months. And three weeks ago here is the anxiety again. Been on 20mg again for two weeks I had no improvement so my doctor told me to go on 30mg. Do you believe it will work for me again? Or do you believe that I should change med?
My doctor insists that if the cipralex has worked for me all these times it will work again. I am on day 4 with 30 mg and the difference is very small.
I have to notice that all these times that i was on and off the medicine I din't feel any side effects at all.
Waiting to your comments

13-06-10, 20:36
Hi Annitsa

Give it a couple of weeks with the dose you are on and see how u go, 4 days is not enuff to see an improvement. Yes if it worked before there is a good chance it will work again but if after several weeks there is no improvement then it cant hurt to speak to your doctor about trying something else.

Im on Buspirone and it is directly for anxiety and have found it helpful

You do have courage, to live with and battle with anxiety requires great courage.

Take care and keep us updated


14-06-10, 07:47
It is great to meet new people even through internet who are able to understand your problem and give you support and courage/ Today is day 10th, no panic attacks for the last couple of days, better mood and much more calmer. I hope that this would be the last time being on treatment and to be able to live sometime witout the medicine.
Thank you so much for you understanding!!!:)

14-06-10, 09:29
I've gotta be quick as I'm heading out in a second (First time in a while) but I wanted to reply to your post....

You need to give things time on the new medication, as you said they worked for you before so the best advice I can give you is to remain positive that they can help again. I guess if in a few weeks you still feel like they aren't having the desired affect on your mood, then you should speak to your GP, and possibly look at switching to another medication.

A few months back, my Citalopram was raised to 40mg from 30mg, and although I didn't feel much difference, I was aware of it taking a few weeks before I felt, even remotely better.

I wish you well in any case :) Keep positive


14-06-10, 10:36
thank you guys so much for you support! Since last Friday (which was a week when i started 30mg of Cipralex) every day I am feeling better and better! I know it takes time for the med to work and I know that I have to be patient. I have a long way to take until I can be my old self again. But I' ve been there twice so I know how it feels like.
Cipralex is a good medicine and I know it is for me!!! I hope to get the improvement I desire soon!!!
Thanks a lot

15-06-10, 07:23
Today it is not such a good day! The fear of the chance that the med might not work came back. Today is day 12 on cipralex 30mg and although I was starting feeling much better today I am a little bit of anxious. Today I am going to see my doctor so I will discuss it with her. I hope it will pass soon.
Thank you for your support!!!:blush:

29-06-10, 10:47
Hi guys!!
This week is my 4th week on cipralex 30mg and I just started to feel the difference! My mood is better, my sleep is better and even my thoughts are better. My fear of having a panic attack again is still here but it doesn't scares me that much. It does scares me but I am able to handle it ( I think). I know that I am still at the beggining but I hope that I will cope with all this again. My biggest fear of not working the med again is still here but I have started to be more optimistic! I really want to get over it one more time!!
We will get over it!!! I follow my dr's orders just as she said and I am really happy about it. . Panic disorders have to be treated! Otherwise we will ruin our lives if we don't seek for help!!

29-06-10, 13:46
Hi annitsa,

You need to start getting ot the bottom of what's causing your panic attacks and learn how to stop them happening once and for all. Medication is just masking the problem which is why they keep coming back.

Have you read "Self Help for your Nerves" by Dr Claire Weekes? It is a good place to start getting to grips with what is happening to you during an attack and what you can do about it.

29-06-10, 15:23
My main reason for having panic attacks is that I was always an insecure person and wasn't showing trust to my self. I always needed the confirmation of the others. I know all these but the horrible feeling of being terrified, I don't want to feel it again. I haven't got over it yet and that's why I don't want to get it back!

30-06-10, 03:43
Fear of feeling fear creates fear which then creates panic creating more fear of feeling fear.............

Whatever meds you take will create this continuous cycle with the same questions resulting.....

i started my treatment with cipralex 20mg and it worked perfect for me. I quit off the medicine four months later as I was feeling back to normal. Six months later my anxiety came back so I was on cipralex 10mg for two months and for 8 months on 5mg. Starting the process of quiting off the medicine, I was on 2.5 mg for 4 months, when my anxiety and the fear of getting a panic attack again came back. So, I started for two weeks the 10mg , and because I wasn't feeling any better I went back to 20mg. This lasted 6 months, and because I was feeling ok I was on 10mg again for four months. And three weeks ago here is the anxiety again. Been on 20mg again for two weeks I had no improvement so my doctor told me to go on 30mg. Do you believe it will work for me again? Or do you believe that I should change med?

The actual cure is learning how to erase the memory of panics so that you stop worrying about them all the time. It's this constant worry of them returning which triggers them to return when you're feeling vulnerable.

As you say, learn how to create more self-belief so that you feel more secure and more confident so that you don't keep worrying about panics. Once you learn how to forget them, they'll then forget you because they'll no longer worry you into constantly worrying about them.:hugs:

30-06-10, 06:59
It is not an easy thing to forget things that scares you. But I am trying!! Thanks for the reply:)

30-06-10, 18:40
i have to agree, you need to slowly get off the meds as they are just masking your problem and you are clearly afraid of panic attacks (as we all used to be)

if you're on meds take this time to make the lifestyle changes, try to learn how to manage stress. educate yourself about GAD and panic attacks, realize that they are not harmful and learn to accept that it's what you have. don't fight your anxiety with meds as it will never go away, don't fight your anxiety at all. let it be and it will float away as fast as it came on.

take a step forward in your life and confront your anxiety and get off the medication. honest opinion.