View Full Version : Feel like food stuck in throat

10-06-10, 13:11
Anyone get this??

Just had a cheese salad sandwich and feel like maybe lettuce of something stuck in my throat. Not blocked and i can breathe fine.

Feels weird and makes you freak out a bit! :ohmy:

10-06-10, 13:19
hey hey, cos i worry about food a lot i get this every time i eat pretty much! it's annoying and freaky, but nothing will be stuck, and if it's only a bit of lettuce it's not going to do anything bad :)

10-06-10, 16:21
I had this a couple of years ago and had a mass panic because I thought it was throat cancer. I went to the doctors in tears and he prescribed me some omeprazole for acid reflux. I had to go back for some blood tests but everything was okay except the helicobacter pyroli one came back positive so I had to have the triple antibiotic therapy. I think it's all just anxiety because I had it again at Christmas time. I'm sure you will be fine, just try not to think about it and relax. :hugs: