View Full Version : UTI won't go!

10-06-10, 13:11
Hey everyone! I'm after some reassurance if that's okay? I've had a UTI for a week and half now and finished two lots of AB's (3 days initially and then5 days) and the UTI is still there with white cells and blood showing in my urine.

Has anyone else had this much trouble getting rid of a UTI?

It hasn't even been that bad, very little discomfort but I recognised the symptoms and went early. I don't understand why it won't clear up.:shrug: Other than this I am perfectly well and I had a full blood count done in February that was all OK.

I've googled a little and it does seem that AB resistant UTI's are out there, but my HA keeps rearing up and whispering it could be an indication of something more sinister. :wacko:

A little help from others experiencing the same would be sooo appreciated. Thanks in advance:hugs:

10-06-10, 14:24
Hi i keep getting UTI's had two lost of AB's and my Gp sent of a urine sample that came back normal ? he said the AB's could have cleared it up,but i still get signs of a UTI pain in my side wanting to wee al the time,i also had a full bloods done and they were all normal,its horrible isn't it.

10-06-10, 14:29
Has your doctor sent your urine away for testing or just done a quick dipstick test at the surgery? The other tests done at the lab would show up any bacterial growth & show if what ever infection is there is resistant to certain antibiotics & they would be able to advise the doctor of the best antibiotics for you to be on.
Maybe go back & see them & ask them to re-test your urine & go from there.
I try my best to flush my system through myself with cranberry juice & lots of water as I'm scared of taking any tablets.
Hope it clears soon for you both.

10-06-10, 14:32
HAZg - it is horrible. I hope you better soon as well!

Bexmumto3 - I did have the sample sent off and it came back saying the second lot of AB's was the right one--only I still have the UTI *sigh* I will definately be getting myself some cranberry juice! Thanks for the post

10-06-10, 15:23
Hello, the same thing happend to me! i ended up taking a load of different antibiotics until they gave me one that is really strong! You just need to return to your GP who hopefully will put you on a longer course of antibiotics. Did your urine culture get sent off to see what is was sensitive to or resistant too?

10-06-10, 15:38
Hello, the same thing happend to me! i ended up taking a load of different antibiotics until they gave me one that is really strong! You just need to return to your GP who hopefully will put you on a longer course of antibiotics. Did your urine culture get sent off to see what is was sensitive to or resistant too?

Hello, and thanks so much for replying. :flowers: It's sooo good to read it isn't just me. They did send off for a culture. It came back saying I was on the right AB, two days after I'd finished the course and still had the UTI:doh:

I'm really wanting this UTI to go away now:wacko:

10-06-10, 15:46
It could be that you just needed a longer course of antibiotics. I took three types of antibiotics that apparently my infection was sensitive too but they didnt work hence the stronger antibiotic that i was given. Definetely see your GP and get some reassurance, it could be a relapse of the infection

10-06-10, 15:52
Thanks again, Shell24. I was just struggling with the idea that the right AB wouldn't work, but reading that this happens to others too is very reassuring!:hugs:I'm waiting for a call back to get more AB's--assuming here, lol