View Full Version : Horrible Catch 22 situation

10-06-10, 16:57
I've been on a drug which reduces stomach acid (called a PPI) for a month because of upper stomach pains I was getting, and 1 month down the line they are not working. I'm still getting the pains and sometimes pain which radiates up to my neck and back. Heart has been checked and diagnosed as fine.

Dr has suggested I stay on these meds for another month, then have a camera down my throat if the problem persists. Problem is, I'm terrified about this procedure not the thing itself, but what it might reveal.

Surely if I've been on tabs for a month and the upper stomach pain is still there, it must be something sinister like cancer? I'm 29/m. Surely if a simple case of gastritis or small ulcer, these tabs would have healed it by now??

10-06-10, 17:27
If you have an ulcer or bad gastritis then its more like 6 months you would need to be on the drugs. I have hiatus hernia and have taken a older milder stomach acid inhibitor for 15 yrs otherwise I have crippling acid reflux.
I know you are frightened by what a gastroscopy might find but just think how wonderful it would be if you had it and only a minor problem was found - better to know what to worry about than worrying about something that may not be true.
Your Dr is doing all the right things so please just go with it and have the test if necessary.

10-06-10, 17:57
Which tablets are you on? What are your symptoms?
I have just been to the doctors today because i have pains in my back/side,under my armpit and front under my left breast, nausea,diarrhea, fatigue etc and he has prescribed me lansoprazole and said to see him in a weeks time.
I had a colonoscopy last year and the year before and its fine and i had no sedation. It doesnt hurt it just makes you gag.They only found mild gastritis.
I didnt know your stomach could cause pains under your armpit!!!!!