View Full Version : HI

10-06-10, 16:58
I found this site by accident while looking for information. I've read through quite alot but still feel abit out of place.
Late last year I started getting paranoid delusions, thinking the worst of people and often having severe panic attacks because of it. With support from my family I went and stayed with my family abroad from January through April and although I was better out there I was still having alot of problems.
I come home April and since then I have only been out of the house a couple of times and even thinking about what's outside makes me panic.
I know I want to be back to normal but there's certain things around here that just scare me.
anyway thanks for reading

10-06-10, 16:59
Hi Jonathan05

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-06-10, 17:15
Hello Jonathan05,

Welcome! I hope you find the support you wish! There are many people on here from all walks of life ready and willing to help!

Laura xxxx

10-06-10, 20:23
thank you :)

12-06-10, 11:02
hello jonathan.I've found this site very helpful, and I feel sure you will too.We talk about our problems and from it u learn a lot especially that u are not the only one on the planet that thinks like this.luv

12-06-10, 12:26
Hiya Mate

The worse feeling i've had since being diagnosed as depressed is a feeling of isolation, this site has made me realise that i'm not odd or alone just slightly ill. Hope you find what you need here buddy.


Veronica H
12-06-10, 13:21
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with great info and support. this will get better.
