View Full Version : hello

10-06-10, 18:04
hi im tracey iv bean getting palpitations since i was 12 im now 29 .since iv had my 2 boys thay seam to have got worse. not so long ago i was getting them bad i bean to the docters lots of times. iv hade test .24 hour ecg the docter said thay just piked up some eptopic beats and lots of people get them and ther is nothing rong with me. i just cant stop thinking ther is sumthing rong with my haert. iv gone to the gim and had them. iv gon swiming and iv had them im scared to do anything to active in case i drop dead.dose enybody fell the same.:unsure:

10-06-10, 18:06
Hi trac

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-06-10, 18:15
Hi Trac,

Welcome to NMP!!

There is lots of support here for you.

Firstly you wont drop dead hun, it is a symptom of anxiety and the more you concern yourself with it (and I know you cant help it) the more it will happen.

I suffered at Christmas time and even ended up at a&e on Christmas Day. I had ecg's and they said that is was because I was suffering anxiety and that was causing it.

If you read through the threads on ectopics etc that should ease your mind hun.

Please try not to worry...you will be fine.

Take care.

Veronica H
11-06-10, 23:36
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with good information and support.


12-06-10, 07:32
Hi Trac.......yep they are awfull,I get them all the time too,but I have learnt to accept it is all anxiety and stress.Try some breathing exercises,they really do help,try not to worry,I know it is easier said than done but you will be OK.
Rhonda x:welcome: