View Full Version : in tears about lung cancer

10-06-10, 18:27
I know it'll sound silly but i really think i have lung cancer. I don't have a cough but if i breath out really really hard, i can hear a hollow rasping noise and i'm terrified it's a symptom of cancer. Does anyone else get this?? I'm 34 and don't smoke xxxx

10-06-10, 18:53
because you have never smoked you risk much be virtually zero so dont worry just think thats a stupid thought and try your best to move on.

10-06-10, 19:09
Thankyou - i know it probably is stupid, but i just don't know what this horrible wheezy sound is if i breathe out really hard ( and I mean REALLY hard)...... I have noticed it once before, about two years ago........ and i haven't really tried since, so maybe it's normal....? I don't get paticularly out of breath when i excercise or anything, i'm quite fit, and i'm not normally wheezy, so what is this?? I asked the doctor, and he said it was normal, but he didn't actually listen to the noise (which actually only happens sometimes)...... but I just feel so panicky at the moment...xx

10-06-10, 19:57
I have this all the time... its always wheezy, but then im prone to post nasal drip which goes down onto my chest. sound like just a bit of a chest infection to me at most. if it were lung cancer youd be more likely coughing up blood. Its just the mucus on your diaphragm that causes the noise. its nothing im sure x