View Full Version : Here we go again!

Little miss worry
10-06-10, 20:22
about 2 months ago i found a lump in my right breast, i have severve health anxiety and spent the last two months terrorising my self, with the idea of cancer, finally had doctors today. She said, that its probably a fibroadenoma? but has refferred me to the breast clinic! now because she's done that im terrified surely she wouldnt have refferred me if it was nothing to worry about. Im only 16 please tell me it cant be cancer om so scared right now! why me?! x:weep:

10-06-10, 21:10
I went last month with pains in my breast and the doctor examined me and said she could feel a small pea size lump and referred me to the breast clinic within 2 weeks.This sent my health anxiety sky high and i worried myself sick, i prodded and poked myself feeling this lump.I had a mammogram and it was clear and the breast specialist couldnt even feel a lump.So all the worry was for nothing and because i worried so much i am still not feeling well now.Its unlikely you have breast cancer at 16 and they are just being over cautious. Dont do what i did and worry yourself into a frenzy.

11-06-10, 01:07
hi little miss worry
please try your best while you wait for the breast clinic to do things you love doing and meet up with friends and socialise etc to get your mind off it. Im sure you will be fine. let us know how you get on.