View Full Version : Strange rocking.

10-06-10, 20:53
Hi I need some help. My anxiety has been quite good recently but one thing is really bothering me, and I'm starting to panic again.
When I go to bad at night I often feel like my heart is beating hard and in my stomach (and some other parts like the head). This makes me feel kind of like I'm rocking when I close my eyes (kind of like being on a small boat). This is really scary, and of course now I'm thinking I have all sorts of ailments.
Has anyone had this? I feel like I'll either die or go crazy if this continues!
Thank's in advance!

10-06-10, 20:57
I feel like I'm rocking sometimes as well, particularly when sitting on the floor. I wander if people think I have parkinsons or something. I think it might be called a "tremor" or something. Also, when I am in bed i used to suddenly feel a fast rocking when I closed my eyes and I could almost see my eyelids moving back and forth, which is wierd. I havn't had that in a while.

Going home
10-06-10, 22:51
Might sound like a strange question but which side do you sleep on? If its mostly the left side then you will hear and feel your heart beating quite strongly on this side and the more you can hear it the more anxious you will be and then it just beats stronger...vicious circle. I never liked this sensation so always try to lie on the right side where its not so noticable. Do you think it could be this? Are you on any meds that might give you the feeling of swaying or rocking when lying down? There is also a form of vertigo that can give you this feeling when your eyes are closed, its bit like being drunk and feeling the room moving when you close you eyes.

Anna xxx

11-06-10, 00:28
your heart maybe beating hard because of other stressors in your life but im sure you dont have anything serious. its all the anxiety

11-06-10, 00:45
you have a strong pulse in the middle of your stomach at your belly button,if you watch it it'll go up and down!x