View Full Version : disturbing thoughts and sleeping issues!!!

10-06-10, 21:43
hi again!! ok will start from the beginning i went on my holidays last week for a week in spain, initially it started off well my only problem was the flight i was so anxious i drank too much and that kicked off my anxiety for the week! initially i was fine i just started having some disturbing thoughts while i was away such as the what if's??what if i go mad when im away etc almost as if because i was abroad and so far away from home it was worse then the thoughts just got worse and worse until the point i had a massive panic attack and almost just felt like i wasnt myself and talked myself into such a state it was like i was dreaming and felt no emotion all in the space of a couple of hours,, is this normal??? read a disturbing article in a newspaper and instantly i thought oh my god what if i had a breakdown and done this, anyone ever had this? last but not least since i got back i havent been sleeping almost as if i get half an hour in and i jolt awake because i cant feel my arms or they dont feel attached to my body or feeling weird cant really describe it just feels really strange also really spacey feeling like im not in my own bedroom but somewhere else????? i actually feel bad because im not really feeling any emotion although i know im really worried if that makes sense ??? thanks for reading

10-06-10, 21:57
youre not alone i get all this all the time,just tonight i was walking home and thought what if i jump in front of this fast coming bus.really intrusive too.

10-06-10, 21:59
exactly even on my balcony i got this feeling of what if i jump you know you dont want to but you still get it?????

10-06-10, 22:12
yeah like you can feel yourself holding yourself back,iv had this for years guess its just anxiety.i even got quite disturbed with the recent shootings in cumbria.like what if i lose it and end up doing the same thing.

10-06-10, 22:27
snap, that was the story i had read in the paper!! really weird hate this feeling!

10-06-10, 22:32
feel very selfish for having these thoughts when i should be feeling like normal people,thinking of families etc...but anxiety is a very selfish disorder,in my case anyway.

11-06-10, 20:53
lee ...
I have exactly the same symptoms as you, the weird thoughts and struggling to sleep. I also jolt awake a lot of the time.
The hardest thing I find to cope with is the 'not feeling quite here' symptoms and also that my arms are not attached to my body .. I have to keep touching myself to make sure I'm really here.
Its all very difficult for me to live with, sometimes I can ignore it but sometimes it really controls my life.
I read something in the paper or watch on tv and immediately start to panic in case I do something similar.
Is this common, does anyone else feel the same? Ive been suffering for about 20 years on and off and still havent got to the bottom of it all !

11-06-10, 22:24
i hate the detached feeling too,ive suffered for 19 years and still looking for answers.

12-06-10, 22:45
I'm in the same boat. Currently going through a nasty bout of depression and anxiety - in the past 24 hours I've gone from worrying I'll go crazy and do something horrible to worrying I have a brain tumor due to the tension headache I've got. It's crap having your brains turn to scrambled eggs.

It seems to be a pretty normal thought pattern form someone suffering through this stuff - it will pass though, but we all need to make sure the doctors are all giving us the help we need.

12-06-10, 23:02
does anyone feel that they are the only one suffering,like there is no way others can feel as messed up as me type feelings,sort of like a freak?

12-06-10, 23:08
Yeah, again that's really common. Thank goodness for the internet hey? People in the 70's will have suffered through these problems without such great support networks.

Thankfully the prevelance of depression in society isn't an increase in the problem but stigmatisation of the problem disappearing with more and more people feeling confident enough to admit they suffer from depression or anxiety. In the long run this can only be good as doctors understanding of our problems improve and support becomes even stronger.