View Full Version : Cancer of the mouth

11-06-10, 00:35
im really freaking out now with my health anxiety, for the past week iv had a horrible taste in my mouth, like bitter/metallic taste. today it got worse and no matter what i eat it just wont go away. i went to the dentist to make sure there was no abcess or infection and i got the all clear. the taste seems to be coming from the side of my tongue, and it feels like a burning sensation aswell. i looked at my tongue and its quite white on both sides, more so on the right where the taste is coming from. i brush and floss all the time and use mouthwash and nothing seems to get rid of it.
stupidly i googled it and mouth cancer came up and now im worried sick that i have it. i want to go to my doctor but they just see me as a pain and send me on my way by saying its all in my head, which dosen't help me. i dont know what it could be. :(

11-06-10, 00:47
its not cancer. leave it a while because it will not do you harm then go to doc and ask if they can give you something to stop the burning. its their job.

11-06-10, 02:29
I get this too, it's a really horrible taste and sometimes I get it for days and days up to a couple of weeks at a time even. I also get white on my tongue. I think it's mostly just anxiety related because I only notice the taste when I've been really anxious or worried. At the time I think I'm not worried and that the taste is worrying me, but looking back afterwards it is always in a time of high stress.

There's 2 reasons that anxiety can cause this taste in your mouth.
1 - Anxiety changes the hormones that are secreted in our body and if we are focusing on a specific area there will be more neural pathways going there and this can defintiely change the chemicals/hormones our mouth secretes.
2 - Anxiety causes us to be more aware of everything that we focus on than usual. So say we are recognising this taste now, if we weren't anxious at all or focusing on it we probably wouldn't notice it to the extent that we do :)

It may also have to do with certain levels of vitamins and minerals and hormones in the body. So some deficiencies or having too much of a certain vitamin can make funny tastes in your mouth. Some medications can also make your mouth taste funny as a side effect, nothing dangerous.

Check in with your doctor if you're too worried about it. I asked mine and he told me what I've repeated above for you, he was 100% sure that it was due to anxiety in my case, and I trust him with that judgement.

Good luck!