View Full Version : So Scared...PLEASE help

11-06-10, 09:16
Hi There,
I have been worrying about having a brain tumour as I have noticed that I get headaches when I am lying down. They start when I go to bed and can be there when I wake up :weep:. It moves around my head and feels like tension in my head. I have also become aware of how clumsy I am. I was dusting the other day and kept dropping things. I am really frightened now. I dont like to say to my Husband or anyone else as I feel silly because I am always worrying about something :weep:.

Please can anyone help me?

11-06-10, 10:33
I had awful headaches last year and dizziness and thought i was dying from a brain tumour.All the tests the doc done were normal i.e looking in my eyes etc,and i even went to the opticians.I had an mri brain scan and nothing was found.Its probably something more benign causing it than a brain tumour.

11-06-10, 11:30
Have you had an eye test recently- these are very good brain mot's as if there is something nasty in your brain it often shows up in eye tests so you could have an eye test- tell them about your headaches without admitting your fears! and if the eye test is fine then this should reassure you- otherwise I would go to my GP and admit my fears with the symptoms - it took 20 yrs for me to be brave enough to use this method but have found it beneficial as Drs aren't mind readers and don't know you are worrying about a brain tumour but if you admit it they can then reassure you or send you for a scan to put your mind at rest.

Be brave - you have no need to tell your nearest and dearest but do be honest with your Dr.

11-06-10, 12:59
I suffer with alot of headaches to. Another great symptom that comes with anxciety. I to feel abit clumsy sometimes, also its like my thoughts are clumsy to if that makes sense. Try not to worry about it, and no your not alone on this one x

11-06-10, 13:16
Heya Sunny,

I get headaches and what feels like 'pressure' or 'tension' in my head often. And more so when I am lying down, but I actually think that may be because I'm more aware of it when I'm lying down. It may be the same for you. Have you asked your doctor about your headaches. My doctors are 100% convinced that there is nothing causing my headaches apart from anxiety which is a relief, but the anxiety still makes me worry from time to time that it may be something dire that they've missed. We just need to trust that our doctors know what they're talking about, after all, they did do about 10 years of medical training, specifically studying every symptom possible :) :)

11-06-10, 13:39
Hi Sunflower,

Firstly, there is not a person alive who has never gotten a headache and thought, "what if it's a tumour?!". So don't feel silly discussing your fears, they are normal and common. Sometimes people react skeptically or insensitively to our fears, but everyone is afraid of something. Everyone.

Anxiety can produce amazing headaches and Olympic-standard clumsiness. I am clumsy by nature, so anxiety makes me almost useless! Anxiety can interfere with the cognitive mechanisms we all use to go about our day, making us clumsy, forgetful, even making forming a sentence difficult. This is an unimportant side effect of an anxious mind.

I used to wake with a tired, aching head. My problem was an unsupportive pillow, sleeping on my stomach, and constant anxiety. Nothing more sinister, but it took a doctor, a chiropractor and a physiotherapist to convince me.

My advice is if you are ever concerned about physical symptoms go to a doctor, a kind and understanding doctor if you can find one! Tell them about your symptoms and your fears, they will have heard it all before; your concerns are very common and completely normal.

If headaches and clumsiness mean you have a brain tumour I would have been dead a very long time ago!

11-06-10, 20:49
could actually just be a sinus problem that always gives me a bad head when im lying down all the pressure builds up.

Fly away Katie
11-06-10, 21:31
Dont worrie chicken. I get that all the time. Alot of things can create a headache. From not drinking enough, to being in the sun for too long. We may even develop one when a storm is approaching. (clever eh?) If you had a brain tumour, you would be ill in yourself, and alot of people pass out.
Also to put your mind at rest. They are treatable but VERY rare. So no worries. Chin up and keep smiling.
I think we have all worried about a brain tumour on here at some point or another. I know I have, because my heads a slightly diff shape at the back. But its silly anxiety really :P
Best wishes. Katie x

12-06-10, 22:52
There are many more symptoms of a brain tumour including fits and other physical signs. But with anxiety there's only one way you're going to get 100% peace of mind - go and see your doctor and explain. Doctors have to fiddle around with old mens willies and put their fingers up peoples rectums - they won't find your concerns silly or funny, they deal with this stuff every single day!

13-06-10, 11:43
THANK YOU to everyone who has replied to me. You have made me feel so much better. I am still worried as I know the kind of fits you can get with brain tumours can be like funny smells and tastes which I get sometimes but then I have heard anxiety can cause this too! It means so much that people have taken the time to help me. Thank You again so much.

Kind Regards

13-06-10, 11:53
Hi op
Try not to worry. Although headache can be one of the symptoms of a brain tumour, it is very rare for it to be the only one.

Most headaches are NOT an indication of a BT.

I have had a headache for months, and they did find something on a brain scan, but the Drs say it is not the cause of my headaches and as it has not changed in over a year it is not a tumour.

I have been diagnosed with chronic migraines.

Migraines can cause a whole host of strange symptoms, from numbness, to sensory changes like smelling something that is not there.


13-06-10, 11:58
Thank You for your help. This HA always makes me think the worst. I wish you good luck and hope your migranes are not frequent. I am so pleased it was not something more sinister for you. You must have been so worried waithing for the results of your scan x

13-06-10, 12:02
By the way thought I would add that I had an eye test a few moths ago and they took a picture of my eyes and optical nerve with a machine which the optician said was healthy :D. I am going to try and chill out a bit but not easy. I am waiting for some CBT so hope that will help me.
