View Full Version : Do I need citalopram?

11-06-10, 09:42
Hey guys,

This forum is a real relief when there's no-one else you can chat to...
Just wondering if I really need or would benefit from citalopram?
Since my mum and dad had malignant melanoma, breast cancer and bowel cancer over the last 6 years, I've developed health anxiety. if i find a lump, suffer and abdo pain, any change in anything that I know as normal for me I panic and have extreme anxiety until the problem is resolved. I can't eat properly, can't smile and just about manage to get through each day, although never had time off work for it and have 2 young sons I can't stop for.
Actually that is a big part of the problem, I petrified of leaving them without a Mummy, took a great interest in Jade Goody, bad move eh!
Anyway, had a couple of months of hopefully IBS symptoms but got an appointment with a gastroenterlologist on Monday because of my family history.

Went to GP's 3 weeks ago now tearful telling her how the IBS sypmtoms were still there and I felt I needed something to calm my anxiety, hence citalopram prescription. Only started taking them 3 days ago, half a tablet at that (10mg) but i feel really crap, had a bad night last night where I woke up feeling awful then couldn't sleep, feel really foggy and shaky today and still haven't had the courage to tell my husband I've started taking them, managed to tell him I'd been to the drs and had them prescribed, but so worried about what he'll think of me.

Any advice gratefully received before I bottle it!


11-06-10, 10:04
Hi happycamper,
Welcome to NMP. You might find some good advice over in the Citalopram forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=49), especially if you read the Survival Guide that PsychoPoet has written to help all those of us who take it. You may find the first week or two may be a tad difficult, it can raise the anxiety some but if you are prepared for that and have some support from the folks here on NMP, you can get through it and start feeling the benefits.

I've been on Citalopram for a few weeks now and glad I did, it's really helped me level out and get back to something like normal so I can deal with the problems in the long term. Have a read of a few of the threads people have posted, I have a diary thread that you might find helpful and you can start one yourself to let you see how far you've progressed and help others who have the same worries later.

There is plenty of support, advice and encouragement here on NMP, and it helps you realise that you aren't alone in what you're going through. Maybe if you read through some of the post with your husband he might get an idea of what's going on too and won't be too judgemental as you think he might be. I'm sure you aren't the first to worry about what their family might think of them going through this sort of thing and getting help. I think he'll be pleased, so let him have a read through the forums too and he'll have an idea of what's going on while you get used to taking the meds.

Better days for you :)

11-06-10, 10:08
Thanks Raindog,

I think I did hope to hear no you don't need it, you'll be fine! Don't want to take the dam stuff one bit, but don't want to live with this on-off health anxiety any more either...

I'll keep reading!

11-06-10, 10:15
I've never been much of a one for taking meds at all, maybe the odd paracetomol for a headache is my limit usually. I heard so many horror stories about meds turning you into a zombie but when my anxiety hit me big style I knew I needed something to help me break out of it. Citalopram helps you level out and get on with things, keep reading and see what you think but it's not like some of the old meds, yes there are some side effects but most fade away completely and you may not get most of them anyway.

My IBS symptoms are fading after months of anxiety now, which I'm thankful for, so you may find that it's worth considering them at least for a while.

11-06-10, 10:22
That's another thing I've picked up, they can sometimes help IBS symptoms too. Obviously it hasn't been diagnosed properly, but God forbid it was something more serious I'd be a right anxious mess! Maybe my husband might accept it more if I told him the citalopram helped IBS?
You reckon I should try just a quarter of a tablet tonight. I've got a 12 mile walk tomorrow am and worried I wouldn't manage it feeling the way I do now?

11-06-10, 10:27
What dosage has the doc prescribed, 20mg or 10mg? Some people just take 10mg for the first couple of weeks to get used to the Cit then up the dose to 20mg which seems to be the best dose for most of us taking it.

If you have any doubts you can always pop into a chemist and ask the pharmacist of give one a ring to ask, they are helpful when asking about new medications like this. Take what you feel comfortable with tonight and see how it goes. The 12 mile walk will be a good way to get through the first day, nothing like getting out and about to make you feel better.

11-06-10, 10:53
Prescribed 20mg, but I've taken only 10mg the last 3 days and feel rubbish, not anxious, strangely that stopped on the 1st day, must be placebo effect...just very woozy, nauseous shaky and a bit blurry. Couldn't have worked today if it wasn't my day off.
Surely taking just the 5mg will be more manageable with a view to increase late on?
Yeah, a good walk is excellent therapy in itself, if I don't wobble off the coastal path...

11-06-10, 11:02
I would stick with the 10mg, 5mg may not get enough cit into your system to do much good, so see if you can stick with the 10mg for now. The side effects you mention are ones that many people seem to get so that's normal. Like I said, take a look through the Citalpram forum and read the stickied post at the top for good advice.

Once you get going tomorrow I think you'll be fine, the sea air should clear your head a bit, but I think 10mg is best, but you can always ask the pharmacist if you're worried.


12-06-10, 23:03
I remember my first two weeks on Citalopram were totally insane - I probably got half a nights sleep and a few hours here and there, I was a total mess. But I levelled out and it worked out well. After around 4-6 months I was fine and came off them.

10mg is a small dose so you might find it doesn't make you loads better in which case your doctor will put you on 20mg - people have way bigger dosages than that too.