View Full Version : How can symptoms change so quick?

11-06-10, 11:00
Ok so this week i have been suffering with bad chest pain just to the left hand side, also my left arm has been hurting and also my hand. Been so worried ive got heart problems and was having a heart attack but maybe i had overdone it at the gym.

Anyway its been hell for nearly a week then yesterday i had a day free from the pain and anxiety, i felt really good all day until around 4pm when i was on my computer at work when out of nowwhere my head started hurting and throbbing, my brain went blank and I cudnt think straight almost like i had taken some strange drug like acid, I felt sick and painicky and just wanted to get the hell out of there. I thought i was gunna drop dead. This lasted about 20 mins, the weird thing is my heart and breathing where fine it was just my brain so it wasnt a usual panic attack.
Afterwards I felt so tired for the rest of the day, spaced out and kept getting pains in my head. Today I still feel shakey and my head hurts and im worried now that ive got mental problems again becuase my brain just feels so slow.

I just find it so strange how I can feel one symptom one minute and think im going to die or black out and within minutes I can feel fine again or the symptom is replaced with something completely different.
I keep thinking to myself if im going to die then i wish it would just happen instead of putting me through this misery.
Im quite a strong positive person and ive been suffering on and off for 5 years now, sometimes feeling like ive beat it only for the feelings to return with avengients and i just worry that ive just got to live with his for the rest of my life.

Sorry for the rant but just wondered if everyone else experiances the same as me??

11-06-10, 11:26
I know just how you feel - I always say I would't have health anxiety if I didn't have any symptoms as every day I have a long list of worrying symptoms. I often say that it isn't healthy to feel as ill as I do every day but have been saying this for past 10 yrs at least.

I do have some chronic health conditions that mean I will have symptoms and pain every day but I find it impossible to differentiate between genuine symptoms and anxiety symptoms.

another big difference is that everyone has symptoms but they don't worry about them- my husband gets similar symptoms to me from a health problem we both have but he never worries about it being soemthing else - he gets fed up with the symptoms whereas I will worry that although I have had this symptom many times over many years this time its due to ????? that could be fatal.

Thats the huge difference between the health anxiety mind and someone who doesn't have HA.