View Full Version : Strange Sensations

Natalie x
11-06-10, 12:33
Hi. Just wondering if anyone ever gets strange sensations in their body? I at the moment have been experiencign feelings like somethign is catching my breath or the feeling you get like when you get a fright. I had an ECG on Monday (that's my second one in about 4 weeks) and it came back clear, but I am still worried and worried that it may be something to do with my heart. Has anyone else ever had any feelings like this? Do you think it's connencted to my heart and should be anything to worry about?

11-06-10, 12:45
It just sounds like anxiety and adrenaline.I was getting the sensations like when you get a fright a few weeks ago almost constantly.Does it feel like a wave of panic going up your body?

Natalie x
11-06-10, 12:53
No, not so much a wave going through me, I just get these odd small jumpy sensations through my body. I also feel like a lump is in my throat sometimes. Is this normal and does it mean there is anythinh wrong with my heart when I get these feelings?

11-06-10, 12:56
Yeah definatley just anxciety. When you have anxciety your body always feels like its in defence mode, like when you feel frightened, or over excited. Completley normal. Will pass hun, just go with it xx

Natalie x
11-06-10, 12:59
Thank you for your replies. I really hope that it is nothign serious. I have had 2 ECG's and they have both come back clear. Do you think that this is nothing to worry about?

11-06-10, 13:00
No not at all hun. I am 100% certain. Relax. It wont hurt you xx

Natalie x
11-06-10, 13:06
Thanks Sammie. I hope so x

11-06-10, 13:21
Heya Nat,

If your ecgs have come back clear twice in 4 weeks I would say that there is nothing to worry about :) If it was something serious it would have been indicated in either of the ecgs. It's very likely to just be anxiety. I get the feelings you describe too, and like zippy said it is probably just adrenaline.