View Full Version : Worried about blood test results

11-06-10, 16:13
Ok I have had diarrhea and a fever for the past 4 days, also I was passing blood and a small amount of blood in my phlegm, I visited a doctor 2 days ago and she took a blood sample from me and arranged a chest x-ray and stool sample. Today she called me and told me I have raised blood (that is all she said).. I asked is this something I should be worried about? She said get the other tests done.. Now I'm sitting very worried as to why I have raised blood, I'm thinking cancer :( and so scared.. Anyone can help at all as to why this is?

11-06-10, 16:19
Don't worry too much about it, their are 100s of things that can cause this.
When did you first notice blood?

11-06-10, 16:22
I've noticed little bits in my phlegm for nearly a year now.. I have told doctors before but I suffer badly with anxiety and they told me to just not worry :(.. This is the first time I've noticed it with going to the toilet. About a year ago I got a chest x-ray, MRI scan and blood tests and all were fine. Now I've been schedueled for another chest x-ray.. It's really stressing me out

11-06-10, 16:26
The blood is probably just irritation from the diarrhea... I wouldn't worry too much. What does the phlegm look like, iv got IBS and was asked if the phlegm was in my faeces, is it just like slime over the faeces or white balls?

11-06-10, 16:30
I haven't noticed pleghm in my fecies, once I notice jelly like substance. The blood with my diarrhead seems to have calmed down now, its when i cough up phlegm from my throat i see streaks of blood.. It' just these blood test results that are really worrying me, the fact I just have to wait and work all weekend wandering if there is something serious going on.. Thanks for your replies :)

11-06-10, 16:34
I know the feeling mate, its terrible, good luck with your results my wishes are with you.

11-06-10, 16:44
Joe, Ihad similar though I have not coughed blood. I have also been told that I have imflammtion which was picked up from a blood test, CRP.

Are you breathless, straining when you cough and is the fever constant? You may have a chest infection. The diarrhea could be a bit of anxiety but def a sympton of IBS.

Have you had the x ray? If they thought that you had something serious I think they would have sent you straight to hospital, so try and not stress too much, as hard as it maybe. Lets know how you get on.

11-06-10, 16:49
I have had chest pains on and off for about 4 years but was constantly told it was down to anxiety. I sometimes get breathless when i worry. When I first got the diarrhea I had a high fever so thought it was a common flu, but the fever has gone now and I'm left just with the diarrhea and some stomach aches. The frequency of needing to go to the toilet has dropped and my stomach aches have eased a lot but I'm just worried about the whole bloods thing (in phlegm and the test results)

11-06-10, 17:00
How old are you Joe if you dont mind me asking.

11-06-10, 17:02
That's fine. I have just turned 21

11-06-10, 17:11
I had raised esr levels last year in my blood results, all Dr did was send me for chest x-ray which was normal and nothing else. She hasn't mentioned it since or bothered about what it could be raised for

11-06-10, 17:15
Joe, The chances are that you do not have anything too serious as you are young. The blood in the phelgm maybe from the back of the nose, especially if you have had a nasty infection.

Cat, did the Dr send you for a chest X ray cause your esr was raised, or did you have chest pain?

11-06-10, 17:19
Another thing I should of mentioned. I did have H. Pylroi last year and the stomach symptoms are some what similar.. Would this be shown in a blood test? Thanks for the answers everyone ^^ nice to know I'm not alone

11-06-10, 17:27
H Pylroi is the bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers. They have to do a specific test for that. I would imagine they have done a CRP or ESR blood test which shows imflammation. I had both done along with a FBC. I have only been asked to have the FBC and CRP done again.

11-06-10, 18:06
I hate to go on and on so sorry about this but it's just the case of me thinking cancer is the cause of the raised blood test results.. I know many have this same worrying problem but I'm finding it hard to focus on anything else