View Full Version : Constant anxiety & dizziness/lightheaded

11-06-10, 23:28
This is my first thread, I have been suffering with anxiety/depression since the end of January this year, I had a 2nd kidney transplant in October 09 and everything was fine, although the previous transplant in 2004 went wrong, with horrible procedures one after the other. I received a phone call from the nurse in the middle of January this year who said that I needed a biopsy and that it was routine after 12 weeks, this put me in a panic as there can be complications with this and I could lose a perfect kidney donated by my Mother. I began having swirling & butterfly sensations in my stomach. I then started having constant anxiety about everything and anything and began feeling suicidal because of it. After starting Citalopram 10mg, I have constant dizziness and lightheadenss, spaced out and I dont feel in the real world, I gave citalopram a go for six weeks up to 40mg but the head got no better. I then tried Clomoprimine for six weeks with no effect. I am now on Venlafaxine 150mg slow releasing, this has helped a bit, but the anxiety is nearly just as bad, with memory loss as well, just doing general things around the house and concentrating at work is terrible, but then you remember a minute afterwardsthe worst thing is the dizziness/lightheadeness which is driving me insane and I just try to work through it. Any advice would be appreciated.

13-06-10, 21:41
Hello jamie,

You have been through a lot of trauma over the past few years, and it isn't surprising you are suffering with anxiety. I do know some medication can cause lightheadedness to begin with, and certainly anxiety doesn't help; I think it can become a cycle which is difficult to break. It can take a while for medication to take full effect, so hopefully the new medication you are now taking, which seems to be helping to some degree, will soon be working well for you, and your anxiety levels will drop.

Vanilla Sky
13-06-10, 22:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: paige x