View Full Version : Really cross and upset with myself

10-02-06, 15:10
Feel as though i need a big big hug please. Today i walked to visit my mum who isn't very well at the minute . Its about 3/4 of an hours walk there and the same back.
Well as i was on my way back and nearly home i decided to call back at the local shop for a paper. Before entering the shop i remember thinking "Its been really fresh and cold on the lomg walk , what if i go dizzy in the shop whilst waiting at counter". So therein lies the result. I'd set the seed myself hadn't i. Consequently i went dizzy BIG time and thought i had to run but the woman was still sorting me out. I knew she was taking her time and that was making me get really tense in the first place. I know i did it to myself in a sense but why couldn't i just go really tense without going really dizzy ? which is so frightening and u think it won't go. Suz

10-02-06, 15:44
Hey gently Suzuki please

You are doing so great - so a blipette like this is quite ok.

You know how it came about and what you did to set yourself off so please take it as a positive and chalk it up to a learning experience.

You have progressed so far recently, don't lose sight of how far you have come


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-02-06, 19:37
Well done - the fact that you went out and carried on despite the feelings is fab!

You know what caused the anxiety and that's half the battle. DOn't beat yourself up about it :)

Annie x

11-02-06, 13:12

Yes it is those little things that we say to yourselves that start it off isn't it?

I find the dizziness comes on as soon as I get anxious as well.

Well done on how far you walked though and don't forget all the progress you have made.


11-02-06, 15:06
Hi Su,

Just to say i agree with the others. You have been doing so well so dont beat yourself up about one things. :)


11-02-06, 15:10
I say congrats and dont beat yourself up. You are doing very well and the time will come when you can do anything without having any probs! :D

I feel your worst fears are the ones you will get with anxiety as we dwell on them most as we are scared most of them (even subconciously).

You hit the nail on the head I think when you said you know you did it to yourself. Hard to stop but you will. Congrats!


Learning to under react

14-02-06, 09:30
You are all such very nice/kind people and deserve the best thankyou for your comments and never failing valued support. Love Suz x