View Full Version : God Damn Exhuastion

12-06-10, 14:45
The last time i felt awake and fine was probably two weeks ago before my Cervical Cancer Injection. And i remember that day because its in my diary.

BUT Today. Oh my goodness. I have no energy what so ever. I can't even have a nap because my body is feelings 'unsettled' I just dont know what to do, if i move i feel ill and weak, if i lay down my head falls asleep but my body is obviously not allowing me to rest. I look a state and i look as bad as i feel. Just faint when i walk around and Jittery when i sit up.

I'm stressed?

i really dont have a clue what my body is telling me. other than upsetting me.

13-06-10, 03:46
Hey Ruby,

I get this too, a lot. I would say that you are just stressed and anxious, even if you don't realise it, and this uses up so so so much energy! We don't notice how much energy it uses because it doesn't feel like it does, but because anxiety makes our nervous system so much more active it uses heaps and heaps of energy. This is why you are feeling so exhausted. I get it too, I feel so so so wreked when I'm stressed or anxious, even if I don't realise I am. Then because you feel so tired you stress more and it's like a little cycle. Just try to remember that it's only anxiety causing you to be tired :)

13-06-10, 04:09
Hi there AMiee is right and i get the feeling that this injection as been playing on your mind. Maybe you have been worrying so much about this and looking for symptoms (as us sufferers do!) that it is exhausting you. However, i think the only person who can put your mind at rest is your GP. Make an appointment for next week and explain exactly as you have explained to us. He/she will be able to put your mind at rest.
Please do not let yourself worry about this as it will only feed your anxiety!! x