View Full Version : Tiny red dots on skin

12-06-10, 16:47
Iv got these on my arms mainly, an a couple on my thighs.
Iv read its petechiae and its linked to lymphoma which iv already got a huge concern about :(.

They are really concerning me, iv looked up what they are on the net and it says its caused by low platelets on the blood, and iv had blood tests recently and they came back fine. So what could this be.:ohmy:

Im constantly thinking about cancer, thinking i have it, and what id do if i had it, its taking over my life and i dont know what to do.

12-06-10, 17:43
hey daryl please try and relax, you do not have cancer. those red dots are normal everyone has blemishes and things.

12-06-10, 18:11
If you mean really tiny red dots like . size then i have quite a few of them on my arms and when i was younger i asked the doctor about them and she said its totally normal. They are just part of your complexion.

12-06-10, 18:17
do they look like pin picks? cause those are very normal :)

12-06-10, 18:22
yeah i think the best way to explain dots is like part of complexion like stinger said if you are white you tend to have red dots and if you are black black dots. Essentially we are not a oil painting smooth and matt with one single color!!

12-06-10, 18:24
You know what, I'm going to be honest and harsh. You're at the stage now where no amount of coddling and empathy will help you.

First, the facts.

By the time lymphoma causes petechiae, it's at stage 4b - which means it is in the bone marrow. It also means that the white cell count would be phenomenally high, and the red cell count phenomenally low. The low platelets are what cause petechiae, which are probably not even what you have. Most people who think they have petechiae actually have either burst capillaries, or (even more likely) normal spots made more obvious by the cortisol release in the body during stress, which draws colour away from the skin.


Look, I'm being curt with you because I've been in your boat. It took away time from my life that I'll never get back. It almost killed me. I ended up carting myself to the emergency room in hysterics and the doctors begged and pleaded me to get counselling. That was in March. I've not had a single panic since then. Not even a little one.

You're addicted to the fear, addicted to doing online amateur 'research', and thus completing a neat cycle of addiction. There is nothing online that can help you if you don't want to be helped.

You're afraid of lymphoma taking your life, but you're perpetuating your own health hysteria in a way which is as dangerous to your body as a disease itself.

12-06-10, 18:31
listen to marley...............he is so wise and i myself am becoming wise to this disorder too. yes i still have intrusive thoughts where i think i have undiagnosed neck cancer etc but you have to try your best to focus on the real world away from your thoughts.

trust me if you worry too much you will be sicker than if you even had lymphoma. In fact it may seem mad but i would rather have lymphoma than health anxiety because that way you have a clear end in sight i.e. you fight until you are physically well.

with health anxiety it seems almost endless.

stop now stop now. trust me!!

12-06-10, 19:24
I have had, and have tiny red dots come and go, some stay longer. I read they are often aging dots. No worry. But now I'm scared.
And I was doing so well for weeks taking grasp of fearful thoughts and symptoms.

12-06-10, 19:27
Daryl, have you any ideas why you get worried you have cancer? Did you know someone who died of it, or has something scared you to make you feel so anxious about it?

12-06-10, 19:30
Thank you Marley for being so upfront with us. Often times we need someone to say "ok, get a grip". You and others are like a reset button when we spiral out of control.

12-06-10, 19:35
For me, yes both parents died of cancer. And so that is my biggest fear, then heart disease as my dad had a heart attack, but was ok.
I have to constantly remind myself of the studies that genetics is a smaller role than previously thought of in disease. And my parents smoked a lot, ate HORRIBLE, full of anger, bitterness, etc. I don't smoke, eat healthy variety foods, and am facing the emotional issues that CBT has helped me understand is a learned behavior that as a child I couldn't have understood it as being wrong. After all parents are suppose to be the truth exemplified. But now I know, and it is a process to change that thinking.

12-06-10, 23:35
I have little red spots on me,I went to the doc's,thinking something bad,but turned out to be flea bites.I felt stupid and embarressed,mainly because I paid $65 for nothing.Don't stress about them.
Rhonda x

13-06-10, 10:39
For me, yes both parents died of cancer. And so that is my biggest fear, then heart disease as my dad had a heart attack, but was ok.
I have to constantly remind myself of the studies that genetics is a smaller role than previously thought of in disease. And my parents smoked a lot, ate HORRIBLE, full of anger, bitterness, etc. I don't smoke, eat healthy variety foods, and am facing the emotional issues that CBT has helped me understand is a learned behavior that as a child I couldn't have understood it as being wrong. After all parents are suppose to be the truth exemplified. But now I know, and it is a process to change that thinking.

yes it is a process, and we have set backs during that process. I can totally understand your fear from your background. Hope you feel a little more at ease today. Take care

pussy cat
13-06-10, 22:28
the tiny red dots/spots that you are refering too are called CAMPBELL DE MORGAN SPOTS - i think that is how it is spelt-nothing to do with cancer or blood platelets-they are perfectly harmless & mainly affect the trunk but can come in other areas - i have had them for years-read up on them & it will put your mind at ease - good luck :yesyes:

13-11-13, 20:07
Hi there,
I had a TON (at least 50+) tiny red spots on my stomach that my doctor told me were not a medical problem - but which could be removed for cosmetic reasons with a laser. I made an appointment at a laser clinic; it cost $150 for 10 minutes of treatment. Each spot was pinpointed with the laser, zapped, and within two weeks, all the spots were all gone. Very, very nice - and I would highly recommend this to anyone like me whose vanity is bothered by tiny red spots!!

13-11-13, 21:37
The red dots could be Keratosis Pilaris which is very common, I have this.

13-11-13, 21:44
Sometimes I get a patch of these when I've scratched my skin so the blood cones to the surface.
I've got a different type of red spot which I get mainly on my tummy which I always was told by someone was a new mole forming? I'm not sure about the validity of that but have had them appear randomly for years and am still here.
I've no idea what petache is and don't want to but I'm almost certain you don't have them.

21-12-16, 12:42
Was browsing through... This article on Red spots on skin (https://www.agein.com/red-spots-on-skin-4349) may be handy.

Red spots on skin can also be caused by something as simple as scratching. Scratching skin can cause extravasations, where damage to the capillaries causes blood to leak into the skin, creating red spots on skin.

Red spots on skin may also be nothing more than a simple reaction to a bug bite, as bites from mosquitoes, chiggers, and bed bugs can cause red, itchy spots to appear on skin.

If you have a fair complexion and you’re under 40, you may have noticed that you get red spots on your skin frequently. Again, this is nothing to be concerned about; they may simply be superficial blood vessels that haven’t been reabsorbed into the skin. Typically, these red spots on skin will fade after several days, taking on an orange tinge as they do. If the red spots persist, contact your doctor or a dermatologist.

23-12-16, 00:38
Hi! I have these too. This is actually what sparked my health anxiety. They are cherry anginomas. Rest easy everything is fine!

24-12-16, 14:49
I was terrified about this a few months back. I was convinced these tiny red marks on my skin were petichiae from leukemia. I went tot he doctor and had blood tests done, which all came back fine. When I asked him about them he wasn't worried in the slightest, and told me that they're just marks you get on your skin. Petichiae would be a very obvious, nasty rash.