View Full Version : Lattes trigger anxiety

12-06-10, 17:40
I've only just recently started liking coffee. I go into town with Mum every weekend for a catch up gossip and we always go into Costa Coffee (the best coffee ever). Mum always has a medium cappuccino and I have a cup of tea. Was happy with that but then one day Mum decided to try a latte and I had a sip and thought it was scrummy (having never liked coffee before). So from then on Mum has stuck with her cappuccino and I've had a medium latte (that's the only coffee I have every week).

I find I enjoy it when I drink it but I'd say within 30 mins I feel really really sick which then sets off my anxiety and I get hot and on edge. Now I can't decide if it's the milk as there is quite a lot in a frothy latte or if it's the coffee (one shot in a medium). I gave up normal tea years ago and drink decaf Tetley tea now. So I'm trying to pinpoint which effects me. I know I have to rush to the loo if I have a bowl of the cereal and can feel queasy afterwards but I don't usually feel anxious. The latte though makes me feel so rough after drinking it and it can last for the rest of the day.

I had a latte about 2 hours ago and am sat here feeling really queasy still and a bit on edge. Anyone else feel like this after latte's or am I just weird lol?

I have bought some lactase enzymes to see if that helps incase it is milk. Just don't want to give up my once a week treat (on a 1300 cal diet the rest of the week) now I finally enjoy coffee (I'm 30 now so didn't take me that long lol).

12-06-10, 18:27
It's the caffeine - it's well known for triggering panic. You're probably more sensitive to it now you're no longer drinking caffeinated tea.


12-06-10, 18:29
mmmmm - i love lattes! yes - my panic probably increases a tiny bit sometimes but perhaps some of it is psychological - that it comes on because you worry it will?! i would not give up a weekly treat - perhaps take some antacid or something after a cup? x

13-06-10, 00:30
Too much caffeine can trigger anxiety, especially if you're used to decaff.

How about going for a brisk walk or run after the latte to run of the adrenaline?

13-06-10, 00:36
Caffeine is a no no for anxiety sufferers - ditch the coffee please

13-06-10, 11:20
Thanks everyone, I thought it was the coffee but as I drink decaf tea and eat chocolate very rarely (not had any in almost 2 weeks) I thought just one latte a week wouldn't hurt me. I've got some lactase enzymes just to see if they help as I really don't want to give up my once a week treat as I diet so strictly during the week and I look forward to my latte and shopping in town at the weekend

13-06-10, 11:34
Hi Cat80
I too love a latte but caffeine is a no no for me, so I now have a decaf latte tastes exactly the same. Ask if they have a decaf I'm sure you will be fine on that.

13-06-10, 11:44
i have changed to decaf. I find im ok if i have an occasional drink with caffine in it but more than one and i start feeling jittery. Ditch the caffine and have decaf


13-06-10, 11:58
Hi Cat80
I too love a latte but caffeine is a no no for me, so I now have a decaf lattee takes exactly the same. Ask if they have a decaf I'm sure you will be fine on that.

They do do decaf coffee but was worried it may taste different as I like my proper filter coffee from Costa Coffee. Will ask about it next weekend though

13-06-10, 13:32
Tastes exactly the same in my opinion but you don't get that buzz (or anxiety).

13-06-10, 15:10
Just done research and found that decaf coffee still has some caffiene, it still has between 8mg to 13mg instead of the 75mg to 85mg normal coffee has. I guess it's a lot less though so will give it ago as I like the drink just not the after effects

13-06-10, 17:21
i must be a one off im allways in starbucks i love there coffe

13-06-10, 21:31
Hi Cat,

Personally, I think it's a combo of the milk and the caffiene shot in the latte. The milk causes you to feel sick, the caffiene will increase your heart rate and your body will start sliping into an anxiety mode.

An idea is to maybe look into decaff coffee as it only contains like 1-2% of the original caffiene in it and you'd need to drink like 10 cups to get the same effect as a latte.

I used to be an avid coffee drinker until I found out I was caffiene intolerant! So I had to find something new to satisfy the coffee cravings...I came across a coffee alternative called Chicory, what about asking Costa if they do alternative stuff like that? I'm not sure if they do but hey, no harm in asking.

All the best,

Chrissy xxxx

14-06-10, 10:25
Thanks for everyones replies. Am going into town Wednesday with sister so will try the decaf coffee and see if any troubles. If there is next one will be taking lactase enzymes, if still problems will have to go back to drinking tea :(

14-06-10, 11:09
I am very sensitive to caffeine, drink decaff tea at home and have occasional latte when out and about, i always go for a decaff skinny latte, half the cals on the milk, and a decaff shot, and i think it tastes the same as a regular latte, occasionally i might experience an occasional palpatation with it, but on the whole i am fine with it, but i think the secret is to stick to it being occasional, which you obviously are, hope you enjoy you day out on wednesday.:)

14-06-10, 11:22
Thanks pollyanna, yes I have a latte once a week unless I on a spur of the moment trip (once in a blue moon) then it can be 2 a week. That's all the caffiene I have really, don't drink fizzy pop, eat chocolate very rarely, drink decaf tetley tea etc. My latte is a normal milk one with 3 sugars and one shot of coffee, works out about 200cals and I usually class that as my lunch.